
Yeah. Don’t watch her videos, don’t write articles on them. She keeps her youtube views up with controversy.

We. Can’t. Have. Shit. 

You typed out a whole bunch of nonsense that I didn’t fully read. Y’all keep proving my point. Y’all love to cape and go through the trenches for nonblacks who enter black spaces. Neither of Cardi’s parents are black. Cardi did NOT start calling herself black until she saw she could use it on you gullible folks. This

It is only a matter of time before she cries reverse racism and white victimhood for critiques of this travesty. I bet the YouTube video of her white tears is already queued up & ready to post.

Yup. This is America. Ignorant, self-involved, and oblivious.


She loves calling black women roaches ands done so several times, but we’re supposed to rock with her? She’ll only kinda-sorta accept any African blood when she actually chooses to, but we’re supposed to rock with her?

Cardi B is NOT a black woman. Neither of Cardi’s parents of black. She had always called herself “Spanish” until she realized she could trick you simple minded, one drop rule believers into caping for her by wrongly identifying as black. Black people are the saddest bunch. No other race embraces and applaudes their

Azealia is of course wrong but’s she’s also right in the most unhelpful way possible*.

She even goes out her way to refer to her mother as Caribbean instead of black but calls her father Hispanic despite his place of origin being a island in the Caribbean sea. So why not call him Caribbean too. As long as she has that Dominican self loathing for African culture she will always go out her way to minimize

This is why I cannot understand why black women are capping for her so goddamn hard. Like, what am I missing?

If shes such a proud black woman then how come she has dissed dark skinned black women? Fuck both of them, hot garbage all around. Cardi is little more than a reflection of how little regard anyone seems to have for lyrical talent anymore. Banks is mad that shes not a good enough rapper to actually make some decent

“black female nerds shared some of their own. Conclusion: Their male counterparts did not want to date them.”

I am 100% ok with the measures that these fine officers were forced to take. We all have to remember that America isn’t as safe as it used to be. How do we all forget all of the (so goddamn many! Seriously google them!!) fatherless Black women and men who have shot up elementary schools, high schools, movie

I love how we’re too dumb to be an actual Ivy League student but somehow we are sneaky enough to fake school IDs and move into a dorm room we dont belong in. Contradiction and hypocrisy are the shampoo and conditioner of white peoples’ bullshit

Someone get Becky MayIspeakwithyourmanager’s name out there.

Isn’t it in the same state where another Becky McWhitetears basically tried to kill her roommate with biohazards and only got a slap on the wrist and nothing on her permanent record?

And this isn’t even the first time! Terrorizing fellow students and wasting the time of the police (this ranks so very low on my list of priorities, but if there were ever to be consequences for her bleached ass, this would be the deciding factor I’m sure) demonstrating clearly that she is a disrupting factor on

And yet Becky McWhitetears will face no consequences from the university or police.