
Well October is Domestic Violence Awareness month so clearly that streak is over.

Yep. It’s that weird subsection of feminism that claims to want equality, but then posits that only typical-male behavior is okay (see every think piece that tells women that saying “just” or “like” is wrong).

This post is so idiotic and mean. I really hate this subculture of feminism that mocks women and girls who do “silly” girly things.

Like I was telling someone earlier this week, he’s nothing but a PR push by the Vatican. Because of the dwindling congregation and accusations of child abuse, the Church needed someone who could appeal to the masses (especially younger people). But the things the Pope says aren’t groundbreaking or all that different

Funny how melanin-challenged people often see the truth as militant.

Nicholas Prugo, one of the main members of the infamous “Bling Ring,” has been arrested and charged with stalking a celebrity facialist and attempting to hire someone to rape her.

A male comedian at that.

“If he was interested in any kind of sexual action,” Hiestand told Rubin, “he had a lot more attractive offers.”

Honestly, why even publish an article on these dickweeds? They don’t need anymore attention than they’re already getting.

I live in Wisconsin.

He has also said that same-sex relationships (as well as oral sex and masturbation) are “misconduct” in Buddhism, but can be “enjoyable and harmless,” for society.

You know how at white people’s Thanksgiving, there’s always that ONE drunk uncle? (Yes, there is a White Thanksgiving and a Black Thanksgiving. White people’s Thanksgiving has pumpkin pie and wine. Black Thanksgiving has pound cake and Crown Royal.)

Until ‘whitey’ calls back to the raping, beating, kidnapping, torturing, and forced labor of white people en masse, those two words are incomparable.

They want to be oppressed so badly.

It means “what’s up?”. And like many phrases, whether it’s meant to be friendly or unfriendly is dictated by the tone.

The sad thing is that the information I’m giving them is pretty general and could lead to experience that would see them gainfully employed in a number of industries. I’m seriously just giving them info on how to get more experience on their resume outside of retail. On top of that, nothing I’m telling them is

I’ve had similar experiences (though not in the same industry). Honestly, you can lead a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink. The same people ask me over and over again how I got to where I am at such a young age. I’m happy to give out all this information because I don’t want others to have to struggle

Oh, yeah, everyone there has that saccharine ‘we’re so nice and welcoming’ persona going on, but underneath it all you can tell that they’re wondering what black people who don’t play for the Packers are doing in their town. After each game, I speed walk to my car and drive my ass back to Milwaukee.

I spent nine whole dollars on pretzel bites with cheese last Saturday at Lambeau.

I’m of African descent and I am very much offended by this. It makes me sick to my stomach. The ramifications of slavery is something that I deal with every day. To see a crude game like this is just another slap in the face.