
Yeah, I only recently learned about his pattern of abuse. But it does let me know why he and Eminem get along so well.

So, basically, you have no idea what shade is.

Library’s are wild. A friend who works at one once recounted a story about a homeless man ejaculating on a library worker.

Yeah, I didn’t even know they sold For Loko anymore. They got banned back when I started college in 2010. Those things were seriously dangerous.

While I 100% agree with you, please refrain from using the “race card” metaphor. It’s really insulting.

Good. This is what we need: more men calling out abusers and rapists. If you’re going to have a shame based culture, let it be one that shames violent people.

That stuff is gross anyway.

Wait do white people think that straight weave is made of white people’s hair? Lol, talk about self-absorbed. Her hair is curly and she’s wearing it straightened.

Yep. People complained because that’s not the way they “imagined” Rue. I guess they thought she was a tan white person.

That’s sad. Interestingly enough, you were right around that age that many girls lose interest in math and science. And people wonder why that happens.

But the author isn't American. Nice try tho.

Wow! It’s looks like everything that non-white people have been saying is true! Gee golly who knew?!

I tried to watch the show a few years back (so I was 19/20) and couldn't get into it. It's depressing.

So people you don’t like deserve to be ridiculed because of their race and gender.

I love football and the number of times I’ve had to prove my knowledge of the game is ridiculous.

Shit. I’ve talked about this on Jez before, but I was given the same critique by a woman. Basically, I have to go the extra mile and be overly nice to people lest I be seen as a snooty bimbo. I’m an introvert and don’t really care for small talk.

Shit. I’ve talked about this on Jez before, but I was given the same critique by a woman. Basically, I have to go the extra mile and be overly nice to people lest I be seen as a snooty bimbo. I’m an introvert and don’t really care for small talk.

There was another piece similar to this written by a Latino author who lamented the lack of Latin characters on Empire because they helped shape Hip-Hop (this is entirely untrue. Just because you lived in the neighborhood, doesn't mean that you had a large hand in it)

You know that study that showed that men see a room that's 17% (or maybe is was 1/3, I can't remember) as being equal parts men:women, but they see a room that's 50% female and 50% male as majority female?

This problem transcends class