Oh you're one of those "rich people are not real people and don't have feelings" types. Duly noted.
Oh you're one of those "rich people are not real people and don't have feelings" types. Duly noted.
Did millions of people make fun of how much weight your sister gained and referred to her as a "whale"?
Does Jezebel have some sort of personal vendetta against Katy Perry? That woman can't breathe without one of you writing an article about how she's racist or misogynistic or some how offensive.
How dare you bring logic and evidence to a discussion about Beyonce? That's illegal and un-American.
Bottom. Of. The. Barrel. Trash? You need to delete your account.
Red is the only color I don't look good in. No matter what shade I choose, it never looks good on me.
I've heard of people wearing demis on their bottom lashes. Her's are a little too long, but I think that's because makeup for her purposes has to be over-the-top in general.
*Thanks genetics for my naturally full butt and overall nice physique*
At least she's changing it up. There was a time when she wore the same silhouette over and over again and it was so blah.
That's when Gump meets Bubba, who is secretly 100,000 live, writhing shrimp standing on each other's shoulders wearing a human suit.
I came in here just to say this. Claiming that this has anything to do with White people is just another form of believing in white racial superiority IMO.
I've never heard of anyone doing that. I didn't even know it was a thing.
Here come the whiny Bey haters.
People are too nosy nowadays. Apparently if you don't air your dirty laundry to a bunch of strangers and let them know your personal struggles, then you're fake and phony.
I don't know why people are so obsessed with Beyonce failing as a singer and her and Jay-Z failing as a couple. It's so strange. Like is it jealousy or do people just need to find a flaw in a person who is pretty, talented, and nice so that they can feel better about themselves?
Or maybe she changed the lyrics because it's been like 6/7 years since Resentment was released?
This has nothing to do with the topic at hand: But can you guys never, ever, evvverr again cross post a post from Jez onto Kotaku? The Kim K game comments section should've been really fun, but instead it was full of snobby video gamers making stupid, slightly misogynistic comments.
Was this article crossposted (?) on Kotaku or something? Because there are a lot of annoying gamer snobs in here.
I think there's an original version of Kim's game called Stardom or something and apparently the graphics are better.
All I know is that I will drag Willow Pape. SHE DON'T KNOW ME!