Well... actually that works in college. As an adult, no... don’t do that. Introduce yourself and buy her a drink. If you’re not awkward and not out of her league, you’ll be alright.
While the second part of your post was terrible, I do agree with your original premise. I don’t think the ladies would be thrilled with a “Basic Bitch” blog on Jezebel.
Think he/she was kidding... Iono... these internets can be confusin’
A joke?
What’s wrong with Taiwan? It’s not China.
Thank you for this. This was cathartic.
PLEASE. STOP. You’re embarrassing yourselves.
Every Adequate Man piece written or video is the worst thing this site does. I’d rather read Kotaku and I haven’t played a video game since the Patriots still sucked.
These videos are all terrible. I honestly expected more from this site. I guess I’m the dumb one.
We won’t. Can’t stop won’t stop. I’m sure I’ll be submitting another video in two weeks when the Bengals come to town.
We Bills fans are obsessed with Zubaz pants. I think it reminds us of when we were relevant.
Call me.
Alllllright, you make the playoffs once in 20 some odd years and you’re already talking shit? I thought Canadians were better/smarter than that.
Absolutely not. With the Blue Jays making the playoffs, now the Bills officially own the longest playoff drought in american sports. So fuck them.