Godzilla's balls

A V6 Accord won’t beat any of the cars you mentioned.

I’m very excited for the day when our generation is spending six figures on, like, a “third off the line” Honda Prelude SH at auction.

No, your opinion is wrong.

“you are the audience” ... no they’re the press. Different thing. I realize the line has blurred in the last decade or two.

Where are these mythical “good” dealerships? I’ve certainly never found them.

They’re a completely unnecessary prospect in this day and age, however. Why can’t we just configure a car, pay online, and have it shipped to our house in a month or so just like, oh, I don’t know, literally everything else ever.

Reason number 678,987,456,892,369,923 why I can’t wait for the death of car dealerships.

Top 15 Cars people can’t be bothered to trade in.

You should also mention that when you get into your car, turn it on, and start the defrosters - DO NOT - just turn try and immediately turn the wipers on. There’s a little transmission between the wiper motor and your wiper arm/blades and this is a very easy way to FUBAR it. It doesn’t take much ice (or frost even

The sheer velociterity of the vehicle simply outperforms even the best of cameras and their shutters.

I think JD Power could do a better job explaining why GM beats, for example, Mercedes, BMW, Audi in terms of ‘initial quality’. I’m assuming it’s weighted to people’s expectations + money spent, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense from the outside looking in.

Jesus go cry in your shitty Buick or whatever.

You, an econombox appliance driver: My car won a JD Power Award 


Yeah I’m waiting for the whole color TV bubble to burst too.

That is an intensely unlikely development.

OR......total electrification becomes too expensive/impractical, falls through, and Mazda dominates the market with hyper-efficient biodiesel machines.

Mazda is everybody’s hero with these things. Make it happen!

No, dude. These cars were all for sale on eBay or Criagslist four years ago.