Hank Toms

Too true.

Does anyone else who grew up in the 1980s associate Gomer Pyle with sick days home from school? It seemed that reruns were always playing in the early afternoon.

Did anyone not already know this? I grew up in the Bay Area, and benches in San Francisco since at least the 1990s have had immovable bars that function as armrests, but everyone knew their real purpose was to break the bench into sections that couldn’t be laid down on.

It’s not really a secret. Cities have also been putting retractable spikes on porches and stairways to prevent homeless people from sleeping there at night.

The nightmares of every TV show creator whose show only lasted for one season.

To explain Wiseaus origins is like explaining Palpatine’s. It’s more fun not knowing his name is Sheev.

I think that’s her point.

“Casting the tall, handsome Jackman as the very un-hunky, Harvey-Pekar-looking Barnum might seem like a stretch”

My personal favorite parts are 1. When Tommy, in reference to having diversity on his show, says “We have a black, a Chinese, a pregnant...” and 2. When he literally calls the interviewer an asshole and leaves.

Just a bastard in a basket.

*Stares at 96% Rotten Tomatoes score*

What happened with that sitcom he was promoting? It had something for everyone, even a pregnant.

Yeah I was hoping this would be a one off opinion because I thought the trailer looked hilarious.

The Deathstroke season was really good imo.

The Arrow series is about as bad as series get.

  • I wish Karen had been on Trish Talk rather than Ricky’s show.

I just realized there’s only 27 non greyed comments... Has this place really gotten this dead? Ifeel like all the reviews for this series would have been finished days ago

The dislogic of that joke was noticeable to me, too. Different writers wrote the episodes, and apparently weren’t in tune with each other (or maybe Micro’s nudity was a directorial decision that wasn’t scripted in advance). I’m sure they figured it out at some point, but probably liked the joke too much to edit it out.

I also started laughing when Micro described the mind-altering properties of his genitals and then stopped to think - wait, he knows Frank’s already seen him naked, why is he talking about it like it’s a mystery? At least throw in a line about it being a hell of a grower or something.

He probably just doesn’t wear it when he has to go the DHS office.