'Ring time?
'Ring time?
Tommy, you're right that that's why the F-14s got shredded IMMEDIATELY. True, most other military aircraft go to Davis-Monthan for use as parts / drones / sold to friendly nations / etc. But, if you read the law and look at the regulations on government auctions, they will never ever ever EVER be released to the…
They just pee themselves. Seriously. Numerous drivers have commented that the firesuits are so soaked with sweat after races that no one can tell the difference anyway.
One word: liability. If someone picked up an intact body shell, turned it into something functional, and somehow hurt themselves or someone else, whoever gets left holding the bag here would potentially find themselves in court. Same reason why modern military aircraft only leave government ownership in pieces the…
There is no engine more phallic than a "straight six."
I've always sucked at judging where the back of my car is while parallel parking. I err on the side of caution, ruling out parking spaces that I really could fit in. For this reason alone, the PDC on the M5 is worth its weight in myrrh.
What I've learned browsing this thread: the 90s are my 60s. They are the "good ol' days" to me as far as cars go. You have nearly modern levels of performance and technology, but a much lower level of nanny-state intervention and bloat. Not to sound like an old man, but dammit, they had STYLE and SOUL back then.
Familiarity may have bred contempt to an extent, but you really can't beat the Mustang running horse (tribar or no, they're both fantastic) for model emblems.
Depends on your policy and coverages. Most of the comprehensive policies I've seen, I think, would pay out (less your deductible, of course,) because this is pretty much just an engine fire loss (which would be covered under most comp policies.)
I concur. You, sir, get a heartclick, and the imaginary trophy for summing up the OWS 'tards in the most succinct and accurate method possible.
I figure if you're gonna save gas, you might as well do it with some style.
Man... just seeing that picture makes me want my old '93 SC back.
That's now my dream car too. Heartclick for E9.
Nah, we never got an Escort that looked anything like a de-winged Cossie. Even with the "Escort" badging, any halfway savvy car guy would know something was up.
Since no one's done it yet... 'Ring time?