
@Octomac: Sadly, yes, it's real. It's a "bro" thing. They're pretty much horrible people in every way; why leave out misogyny.

@ob2s: Go to your local gym or MMA training center. Look at the overly tanned, cartoonishly muscular fellows in the TAPOUT and Ed Hardy gear. Bonus points for hats with uncurved brims and tank tops. Observe the latently homosexual behavior.

@long_live_the_E36: Truly, this is a glorious day. Ding, dong, the stereotype's dead!

Had me at all-wheel-drive, Monica Bellucci, Valeria Golino and "hot double-clutch action."

The guy in the yellow one at 0:21 is clearly laughing his ass off. I'm glad the people involved in this had fun.

@Brokeswagen: Protip: It's not called "Progressive" by accident.

Want one of these in an Opel GT. Another in a Sonett III, and a third in a Caterham. I think I'd be good for life then.

@tobylane: Yeah, but the stereotype in the US is that BMW drivers are pricks who never use their turn signals in traffic.

@Fordboy357: The joke is that all the turn signal stalks must have been among the stolen parts, since BMW drivers never use their signals.

@Kotobuki: Makes you wonder just how impossible finishing it will be when he's bailing out at this point.

Not a fan of picking up someone else's third-period Auto Shop project. If someone is selling a modded car that's 90% done and "just needs a little sorting out," you have to wonder why they're bailing on the project 90% of the way through and how suicidal that "sorting out" will end up making you. I don't like the

Anything by AMG.

Jalopnik is truly a wonderful place. Here we have a gallery of ten of the beigest, blandest, least enthusiasm-inspiring cars of recent years, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM (except the Sebring, which is hilarious in and of itself) has passionate defenders here. It is really great to see so many people with obscure

@mrwoolery: Sorry, but no. A classic, to me, is a car that someone who knows nothing about cars can see and know it's special. Some cars become classics. Some cars just get old. Yeah, these will be rare to see 25 years from now, because no one will bother to save them, because there's nothing memorable about them

@Sean Stott: They do well in the used market as appliances. As functional, point-A-to-point-B-in-reasonable-comfort cars, they're quite good. But can you seriously see someone in 2040 dragging one out of a field somewhere, spending seven years of nights and weekends treating it to a loving, damn-the-expense

@ChaoZ: But what 1950s car in good condition doesn't have more style in its left taillight housing than all of these cars collectively?

@ucbwayne: I hoped I wasn't the only one who laughed way too much about that.

@Powerlurker: And thank you ever so much for that helpful addition to the discussion.