
I suspect that for many of us it's a time issue.

You should go back to civics class.

You couldn't feel sorry for Rob because he wasn't a wife murderer? That's.... new.

The guy is a professor of evolutionary psychology, though. If there's a discipline better suited to backing up arbitrary and problematic cultural beliefs with fake-ass "science," I don't know what it is.

Ahh the last time I have such an urge to see someone get hit (also because I still hated him from angel)

A biochemist has appeared.

Not related to iocaine.

While there are a few more humorous reasons as to why, there is a much simpler reason.

A stupid squirrel? Call me when they find AT LEAST a Fizgig

Every year in France, there's a festival for villages with stupid names held in Montcuq ('my arse' in French when read out loud). Seen your answer I reckon they should go global.

Whatever I call them, it's not around these people.

My buddy and I have expressed that concern for nearly ten years now.

"Lindsay Lohan got her whole family anchor necklaces because they're anchors in her life."

Reminds me of my highschool crush. A friend of mine had raised his hand to give her a fistbump, she replied by swatting his hand aside and socking him in the face.

I've never met a woman so beautiful, before or since.

Oh, Brother Justin. I really and truly wish Clancy Brown would find himself another TV series. His voice acting is great, and I know he does the occasional bit part in crappy movies, but TV misses him.

Yup! I don't think most people have any comprehension of just how fucking easy our lives are. Pretty difficult to comprehend that it would take an entire day to wash your bedding, and hours to cook the sort of meal that takes us 30 minutes. Several days and weeks of planning to cook the sort of meal we spend "all day"

Eighteenth century, at least. Samuel Richardson's Pamela spawned a load of fan-fiction (particularly of the slash-fic type).

30? you misplaced a decimal point by a couple places. ;)