
When I read this aloud to Mr. Pankhurst, he observed that hand-cranking is already a time-honored, tried and true method that does not require 100% recycled materials or a disassembled, low-packaging delivery.

It's Creep Week, didn't you know?

It's like Shark Week, only with more soul-crushing horror and dating nightmares.

No way this true. If this was legitimate cyber-stalking, the internet has a way of shutting it down.

For all the women so eager to give Ms. Prinz a full pass for her behavior, I'm guessing most of you haven't had your husband fall in love with someone in your social circle. I have, and I believe that of course the husband is hugely, even mainly at fault. But I also believe there is a special place in hell for women

This article makes me realize one thing: I know nothing, John Snow, about drugs. I had to look in Wikipedia for half this shit.

I never really took the signs in the gym asking to wipe down the equipment after you're finished using it seriously until now.

My theory is that it's due to the fact wedding no longer have much spiritual or religious significance for many people. I think in popular culture weddings have moved from being a ritual that was at some level about your connection to your community and your family, to being one that is just about signifying status;

Oh Jesus in a Winnebago, Ohio...

Obviously, there just happens to be a word missing after "vagina's". The vagina's what is missing of course from the tales of successful retreat, Peter?

Feel sad for starving kids. Men who do not wear makeup [that is, virtually all of us] are not worthy of pity.

There needs to be not only a sarcasm font, but a jazz hands emoji as well.