
You are the best person ever! The only reason you're not getting flowers delivered to your door tomorrow is because this is the internet and you could be a 12yr old milkmaid and I'd be arrested. Which is sort of cruel and unkind (to you) when you think about it.

I'm actually trying to write a fairly important piece of work right f-ing now but every 20 minutes i think, "well that was a sentence; what's on the internet?" And then I lose track of what the f i was doing and by the time I get back into it I think "isn't there some other music that would provide cooler thinking

Does everything in America breakdown along 'two party' lines?

Yea but that's not what they're doing here. The producing, processing, distribution and sales are still illegal which means that tons of people are still going to go to jail. Is this better than nothing? Yes. Is this action meaningful? To consumers of pot, and especially young minorities yup. But people should

Is this "mom"* clothing?

I'm a non-american non-lawyer. What the hell is fedsoc and what do they do?

Why don't I rewrite this for you:

Stupid people with highspeed internet connections are dangerous to themselves and others.

You've got to make it obvious—like these guys

Don't these things poop everywhere and chew electrical cords? And just for badness: where would you put the snares?

Yes. We really don't need this guy to get his hate-on. It's a pretty miserable place to begin with.

You dis Cirque I'm taking my Canadian butt down to where you live and... giving you a stern talking to because I'm Canadian. Have you seen a Cirque show? I'm man enough to admit I cry like a baby: it's so damn crazy amazing. This girl's spacial awareness and general athleticism might get her into their summer school

Interesting. I'm Canadian. Our banks are stable but tech-poor. Still, an interesting innovation.

Pretty good article. But tech is never a substitute for talking FACE-to-FACE. I'm old so listen to me: compromising doesn't mean you're a pushover/[insert current term here]. Listening to someone and making an informed decision to change the way you do something isn't weakness, it's wisdom. Qualifier: manipulative

"Then I realized it's really important to her." <—- this is how you know you're a good person. Nice work.

Look up "gatekeeping" in regards to housework. Gather up all the articles (there's lots) and present them to her. Tell her it's driving you crazy and increasing her workload. As long as your not doing the common boy thing of failing on purpose, this might make her realize she's not doing anyone any favours.

Congradulations: your "dining room" is now your "office/den/cave/abour" whatever the hell you want to call it. I've been lucky and usually had a space that we called my "office". I went there. It was mine. I don't have this but I have a real office which is not quite the same thing. I hate this "man cave" shit but you

In a former life I went back and forth between everything joind and everything seperate. It's awk either way. The joint, just for bills, does work but the most responsible person has to be the one in charge. Which can become a pain in the ass for them since they have to police the other person. As with anything

I don't think they're trying to remove the tree. Where they've got the chain attached adn from the swaying of the branch I think they're trying to take off the branch. They must have thought that because it's not thick it'll just rip right off.... Nope.