
I'm raising a daughter who is and will always be small. I live in fear BUT, children who are raised with strong social supports; who have a clear path to achievement and are empowered (I hate this word) have less victimization statistically. They are not 'safe' but they are safer. Plus: martial arts and weapons

Please see the other blog from today about shirtless hot men. I think we've decided that making everyone into neurotic nutjobs who mindlessly consume to feel better is the new plan. yea.

"shithole" — "chivis regal" ::: pick one. discard the other.

That sound it makes. What movie monster sound is that?

Here's a question. Can the daughter of a clan chieftan be a "princess". If I use the word "iteration" does it make it all better?

They're jerks. smart, smart jerks.


ouch. you have a bunch of my sympathies.

Talking sensible like adults?

Total sense. Just ask a parent. And it has been proven by SCIENCE! that parents feel more disgust by performing the same tasks on stranger's children than their own. They report that smell and visual cues are more powerful (read: stinky and gross) than for their own children. So, loving someone (or even liking them a

Q: "Who the FUCK goes down on someone under a duvet?"

I'm impressed. I've been a daily reader of Jezebel for a couple of years and this is the first time (I think) you've gone out and done actual research and reporting. Congrats Katie Baker. Now go out and do it some more. As a alegorical footnote, I do ethnographic fieldwork and fully endorse talking to humans who

"The Story of O" <————— The anecedent to your supposition is in there.

As others have noted. It's not slutshaming, it's critiquing context dependent clothing choices. I had to sit on a plane with my daughter next to some guy who thought wearing a t-shit with the word FUCK (and something else I'm sure was clever) written across it. I'm not a prude but people need to get a f—-ing clue.

Ah, that brings back the memories. I'm so damn old..........

I've got to raise a daughter in this toxic soup. Fcukthisshit.gif

he's a keeper.

My grandparents as well (a bit). This is the tricky thing about gender and power. It is far more mecurial and fluid than most people are willing to admit or investigate. Thank you for the interesting perspective and discussion.

No, I meant "part of the story" as in, 'you're clever for pointing out a part of the larger issue of gendered domestic tasks and how they disguise power.' NOT, it was in the article above. F—ing stupid ambiguous internet typing thing....

I think this might be part of the story as well.