Your quotes of other columnists are unfair.
Your quotes of other columnists are unfair.
The worst thing for him is having the world know that he has a hairline like that mad scientist down the street.
Those goalies wouldn’t make the JV squad at most high schools. Terrible.
I cannot watch her speak any more. I just can’t.
“Carry on”?.....what a tool.
The idea is that you should be “exceptional” to get into Harvard. The legacy acceptances are still quite exceptional themselves....basically they are in the top 1% (instead of the top .1% without a connection.)
Throw in a few “affirmative action” acceptances, PLUS some newbies whose parents bought them in, and there isn’t a lot of room leftover.
It’s about time. The guy was a bust for the National team.
Football teams never suspend the “starts”...They just suspend the useless benchwarmers so it looks like they’;re doing something to prevent rape and violence against women.
Not only will Tiger never win another “Major”, he’ll never be in the Top 10 of any worthwhile tournament....ever.....again.
Don’t be disappointed in humanity. You just happen to live in the U.S., which is the only news you get. Many countries are doing great....sorry....just not yours. But that’s what happens when you elect a lying, homophobic, racist, for a President.
Unfair article.
You know what?....I will admit to being a tad angry about the way blacks perceive everything as racism, yet they feel they can do/say anything that they want. The example that makes me actually laugh is that, somehow, “ALL LIVES MATTER” is being touted as anti-black. Seriously, can you imagine if a “White Lives…
Please tell me why what you’re saying isn’t racist...happy to see “one of your own”...but IF (repeat “IF”) I were say I want white neighbours, (“my own”) that’s somehow racist. We all feel more comfortable around our own race....but when white people say it, WE’RE RACIST...and when we call out black people for saying…
Why would you get excited to see a black person? That’s fucking weird. AND REALLY FUCKING RACIST....especially if you are a black person.
I seriously don’t understand how this garbage can be printed....when we all know how it would go over if an insulting list like this were called “The 20 blackest things black people say to white people.”
#11.....“If you can say it, why can’t I?”
When are you idiots going to get it?
Am I the only one who thinks all the “death” talk is a bit over the top?
A friend of mom’s is 84. They’ve been great friends for 60 years. Just lately, this woman started spreading lies about my mom....weird ones, like my mom pulled up all the flowers in this woman’s garden. She shakes like a leaf, and can’t speak a coherent thought. Her kids are denying her dementia.