
If I ever had to listen to my dad talk about “prioritizing” his job over his family, I would never look at him the same.

Sports reporters are near worthless. They’re the clowns who ask the brain-numbing questions after the game.

Never heard of this Felger clown until now. Likely will never hear of him again. I can’t imagine how unhappy a guy must be, to talk smack about another guy’s family, then go on the offensive when challenged about it. I just looked him up, and apparently I make more money than Felger, so I’m allowed to say that.

It’s insulting when these clowns think people are so stupid that they will believe a lame reason for the attempted trip.

Google “Alex Jones Piers Morgan”

No....it’s not 50-55 yards.

With football, endorsements, and football camp revenues...he makes....what? $20 million per year? And he’s trying to rip off collectors to the tune of about 10 grand....or less. What a despicably cheap maggot he must be.

Almost every time a player winds up in a wheelchair, it’s the defensive player, leading with their head, in an attempt to injure. I never feel badly saying, “that fucker deserves it.” You try and put someone else in a wheelchair with a late, dirty, blindside hit, and it ends up being you....then enjoy the diapers,

What I mean is pretty simple....the trade-off was worth it to these morons. Are you trying to say that they don’t know the risks now? Of course they do.....from 10th grade to Tom Brady, they know the risks.

Drogba is such an unbelievably cool guy. Not a household name in the U.S. but loved throughout the world. All he did in his home country was end the Civil War with a passioned plea . I bow to you Monsieur Drogba.

Shut the fuck up....these guys knew the risks, they loved the attention when they had it, they were paid HUGE amounts of money, and they brought most of it on themselves by leading with their head when they tried to hurt their opponent.

As far as I’m concerned, it serves these fuckers right for always leading with their head, in an attempt to inflict maximum damage to their opponent.

Wow...he comes across as a petulant little prick. What blows me away with these types of media events is how these reporters suck the dick of an 18 year old. After the first blow-off answer, the reporters should just stop asking questions, and let the little shit know that he really isn’t that important to the

Not only is not pleasant to look at...he’s really creepy when he speaks.....Like...really creepy.

He should’ve stayed in a Holiday Inn.

She cheated. No doubt she cheated on purpose.


I wonder if your opinion would change if it were your 11 year old daughter who was kidnapped, repeatedly raped, and had her skull crushed with a pipe?

Ummm....If they are on Death Row...doesn’t that mean that they likely MURDERED someone? And you’re concerned that they only have a basketball and a hoop to play with?

“After witnessing Sandusky abusing a child, McQueary first told his father, then Joe Paterno, Curley, and Schultz, who reported it to Spanier.”