Why didn't he just use a pre-91 700r4?
Why didn't he just use a pre-91 700r4?
I can't lie to you sheriff, you're too good a' man.
You edited the "Hell" out of your title. I'm on to you Collins...
Last time I watched a live chase the dude got out and shot himself in the head. I didn't really need to see that.
Needs more Trans Am
2nd Gen Trans Am. Huge low compression low hp V8s, RWD, excessive decals everywhere, T-tops, and it stared in the most American movie ever created. Contest Over.
Uhhh... I did not see that coming.
Dem animations yo.
What do you mean I am no longer with Smokey but am with Smoke? Why do I have to move Mobil1? What do I have against Quakerstate or Pennzoil? Guys? I am so confused right now!
There's no denying BMW can make one heck of a beautiful wheel.
Whatever, it's cool. Good luck Matt.
It reminds me of a creamsicle. I like it.
Ask and you shall receive http://jalopnik.com/torch-we-have-…
Torch, we have a problem. You didn't tag this post "Bandit Bait." Seriously though, this a cool use for a trashed '79 Trans Am. The wheels on this swing are nicer than the wheels on my car though /jealous
I already have and I find this boat cooler.
Dear Mr. Clarkson,
None because racecar