Wow...DW3...such a great fuckin game...
Wow...DW3...such a great fuckin game...
I don't think Delita did what he did ONLY because of the death of Teta. I think that was just the catalyst for him to take action. Him and his sister had an above-average life of people of their rank, due to being raised by Ramzas family, but their family was destroyed by the war, and they were constantly being…
Im more into the women who can take care of themselves...AKA not Yuna...
Does it need to suck?
Unfortunately I am just a serf.
Sooo, the show is basically Nerd-Jeopardy?
As soon as I delved a little bit deeper into the FFVII series of games/movies, I slowly realized that Aeris was more of a friend/Mother-figure to Cloud. The one who always has an encouraging word when he needed it most. It was Cloud/Tifa the whole time. And yes, her devotion to stopping Sephiroth, as well as saving…
I guess Tifa from FFVII. Something about a simple towny girl from a working-class family who happens to be a master of the martial arts.
Yeah, its off. And in 'Sota this is incorrect,
This map is more reflective of where to buy bad pot...hence the pricing...
I dunno, The Kokiri Forrest song from Ocarina of Time always pops in my head...just catchy I guess...
I agree completely...he's definitely one of the most personable of all of the developers...
I don't hate it. I just don't buy this obsession with her. Everybody treats her like a god, when really, voice acting is at the bottom of the acting totem pole. Shes good at what she does, which is more than most people can say about their line of work, but the way people online obsess over her is a bit much in my…
Why would a $50 Gift Card given to you by Gamestop be applicable to anything but Gamestop products?
The Weather Terrorists strike again my friend...Im sure you all will be fine...
It all depends on what games you play...
"Apple's moving through the consumer space like crazy, becoming the laptop of choice for not just students and creatives, but everyone but PC gamers."
Wow lots of Dropkick haters here. If its not your thing then who gives a fuck? Not like any of you are going to CoD-Con anyway, as 99% of the people who post on Kotaku are CoD haters as well...
I think I might roll with their version of 'The Green Fields of France'.
I think this article is directed more at College Football, as ESPN doesn't have licensing and rights for NFL Football other than Monday Night Football and some Thursday games later in the season...