
I beg to differ as well. The best all-around offensive players of all time have got to be Dirk and Bird. Bird more than Dirk simply because of his ability to get the ball in the hands of his players. But both have/had an elite combination of range and post play. Very good defensively as well. In terms of overall all

The entire playoffs have been one of the best playoffs I have ever seen, in my opinion. It gets more exciting every year with more and more star power blooming, and having those stars go head to head in 7 game series'.

Too bad they can't add any players to help out Rose. Not with Boozer's contract. So basically, Chicago's hopes lie with Boozer playing better than he did this year...

Or you can just be a tiny bit open minded and forget about critiquing every aspect of a fictional game, and the plot becomes one that is fairly simple to understand...

Even if its a general term for 9/11, I still don't believe its because of "how little they are trying". If I had a choice between the developer putting their resources into naming stupid fucking campaign missions, or fixing bugs and other gameplay mechanics, I would choose the latter...

Agreed. I prefer Donkey Punch and Reaganomics Lamborghini....

I still think its awesome that Curt Schilling is such a huge fan of video games. And not just sports titles, but RPGS and MMO's as well. Very Cool...

The author did mention that the original game from which it is ported from, was so buggy it was almost unplayable...

Is that the ocean they are driving on?

Or the Twins, or the T-Pups, or the Wild...

Right. ME3, Skyrim, MW3, and possibly Diablo 3. I don't know how I am going to work up the strength to go to work....

Being a Minnesotan, I am extremely happy with this release date. Due to this and Skyrim coming out so close together, It gives me a reason to stay positive during a long and cold Winter that will be coming around that time as well...will also give me plenty to do...

I know exactly what you are talking about. Next to Enemy Territory, MW on PC was one of the best gaming experiences in my life. I made the console switch for MW2, like a lot of people did, and although the game lacked dedicated servers, I still had a blast. The PC-Console switch has almost eliminated my wanting of

They could remedy every complaint from CoD haters, and those people would still find something to bitch about...

Hmmm MMORPG tie-ins eh? That sounds interesting. What were the hints that gave that away?

I get your point, but why would he release that information when the premiere is less than 8 hours away?

It will be interesting to see how they structure the main plot. I can't decide if it would be really awesome, or really stupid, to have to zip line around Columbia for hours trying to find your next objective in order to progress through the main plot line.

Wow. Tough choice between this, Skyrim and ME3. I guess the only question is, why choose when you can just get them all? :)

Yeah thats fine. But they were not the only ones. And this "foundation" was an expansion on the actual foundation. Just like the National Highway systems incorporated after WW2 was an expansion on the work the slaves did.

Definitely...I just believe that America was built on the backs of hardworking PEOPLE. Whether it was European Immigrants, Chinese Laborers or Africans in slavery. Its a shame we didn't realize that we all could have worked, un-forced, together, to build this great nation...