
While I do agree that it is kind of a rip off that we will ended up paying hundreds of dollars for a game that will eventually be impossible to play, I believe that there have been many moments within playing MMOs, specifically WoW, that make up for it. When I played WoW, I had maybe spent $200 total. But I probably

Well, if thats your mindset, nothing says you can't try again...

Really doubt they will be bringing back the nuke. As for teamwork, maybe play something besides Team Deathmatch, or delve into the hardcore game types like Search and Destroy or Headquarters.

Oh no, now instead of making $1B a year they only make $850M...poor Blizzard...

Your view is so jaded man...people truly do enjoy these games...not sure why thats so hard to fucking understand...its no different from Solitare...not everyone likes it, but people do enjoy playing...

Im talking about being the first one to bitch...obviously people are going to defend their opinions and retaliate when someone starts it...

While I will defend your right to like what ever game you want, as long as it makes you happy...You talk like you know what goes on in CoD games...You talk about overpowered sniping...no one snipes in Black Ops...

"My head hurts now, and I'm tired of reading PSN articles."

Dear "Anonymous",

And afterword, maybe you can give him a hand job, and the rest of the fanboys can join in on a game of soggy bread?

Me too. One of the great quotes from my former Governor...

That is a good question. I think they will. The hype around Skyrim is huge, and Bethesda knows that Skyrim has the potential to bring the franchise to the next level. I think they will try to fine-tune it as much as possible.

Haters can rip on it and say it looks too much like this game and plays too much like another game. I say, who gives a fuck?

I think the author had it right. Though I would add another comparison of the art style. WoW + Borderlands...

Don't bring all Japanese game developers into your shit cavern Nintendo...most fans know what they are getting, and enjoy good art, whether its done with super-graphics or not...

Is it just me, or does Sylvia look like she's a fan of back door action?

And then, when its still not working...you blow as hard as you can into it...

A Mallrats reference....nice....filmed 10 minutes from my house...one of my favorite Kevin Smith movies

FFX if I find the time. Definitely some Black Ops to try and break my kill record when only using Ballistic Knives and Tomahawks. Maybe some Chrono Trigger on my phone...

I wasn't saying that they take every complaint to heart, that would be impossible with time and financial constraints. I'm just saying they aren't going to complain about getting complaints. My whole point was that, in a sense, all feedback is good feedback. Even if its something like, "Your game sucks giant grandma