
@Agent55: There is obviously a story behind why he, alone, can take on dragons 1 on 1. The whole Dragonborn thing.

@dmcshinobi: Nice find. This game almost looks too good on the 360 to believe it.

I feel like you can do this, and a lot more, without the Wii. Whats the point then?

Um...isn't that what it is suppose to be? Familiar, but unfamiliar? In a good way...

Okay, that pan over the town with the windmill about halfway through the video almost made me cry. Absolutely gorgeous. As soon as the camera hit that rocky arch over the bay/sea below the town, I was amazed.

You are an idiot. Capitalizing letters doesn't add strength to the conversation. My point wasn't that they treat demos like beta's, it was that a demo is specifically that, a demo. For me personally, its too difficult to judge a game based on the demo, which is why I normally don't play them. I like getting the full

Thats like hating on real world women with larger than normal boobs. Maybe she couldn't help it? Its not like they have breast reduction surgery in the DA universe...

I'd take Lisa Foiles or Jessica Chobot over her any day in a "hottest gaming woman" contest. That is if I cared that much... (obviously care a little :) )

Then I guess it comes down to how much faith you put in that "taste" you had of the final product.

If it was a throwback to Baldur's Gate, then why did it have entirely different game play? I played DA:O on PC. Twice. It was a good game. But I didn't like it because it was a "smart" game and required you to get more in-depth on higher difficulties. I liked it because of the story and the DA universe as a whole.

Because its worked for them in the past...(see WoW)

Silly Brian, if Activision didn't force the lay offs, then the internet does not care...why include something in the story that no one is going to bitch about?

Its a new IP. Why on earth would you need to be a Halo fan to be excited about it? Especially if the rumors are true and the game will run on a new engine...

Um...thats what im saying...apparently the publisher wants him to shorten the manuscript or something of that sort...

Seriously, this "idea" can be applied to everything. Im working on a giant project right now at work. Maybe I forget to save my CAD models/drawings for a while and all of the sudden the power goes out. Do I become the violent design engineer character that I am apparently playing? No, but I sure am fucking pissed.

Im a big CoD fan, but seeing 3 people from the franchise on this list is disappointing. 1 would have been more appropriate. Ghost, no. Its a split between Price and Soap. Personally, I think Price as his history has been played out more efficiently than Soaps.

Seriously, I mean, this is suppose to be Dragon Age, all conversations are suppose to be between people that are blood soaked and battle hardened. Wheres the blood?!?!?

Agreed, with everything. Except, I would welcome a CGI saturated set. Not the immediate set, but the background and panoramic views definitely...

Exactly, I've been negative on 3D, but Verbinski put it in a great perspective in how, when used right, it can really make the movie more intriguing in not just a physical viewing way, but in a mental way as well. When he brought up that "The Shining" example, I just imagined what it would be like when that kid turns
