
@Arppis: Nah I wouldn't adjust an entire perk just for the RC. They just need to nerf the damage or blast radius.

I always thought a woman's name was necessary when naming a vehicle?

@Arppis: They said they will not be changing the kill value needed for the killstreak. So it is staying at 3. 2 With Hardline. Here is Vahn's direct quote.

@AngryChiefsFan: I think it is going to be soon. Look for Vahns posts on the Black Ops forum. Hes a Treyarch Dev. He also mentioned the AK74u nerf, where they nerfed the U with a Grip. He also mentioned giving the kill to the person who puts someone into Second Chance, and the Assist to the person who finished the guy

XBOX 360 needs a patch to fix party matchmaking and stability as well. Plus better host selection.

@Hooray4Zoidberg: Something like 'The Clone Wars' would have better quality in BR. Though with something like the Simpson's, I can see your point.

@random_droid: Yes its to ban the sales of violent video games to children. Not a complete ban, but I shouldn't have to explain the law in its entirety to people for them to get the point.

@Jekku: Yep. Though I think participating in the mission helps involve the player more in the story. Even if you don't shoot.

@Mokon: "presumably because it's easier and less controversial"

The reporter is like..

@Jekku: Though I agree with your overall point about the media's take on that part of the game, a terrorist rampage is a terrorist rampage. Him being undercover doesn't change the fact that he took part in a massacre of innocent civilians.

@MirrorForTheSun: For real. Its funny that one can also tell the game is a western RPG simply by noticing that Jack doesn't have double D's.

@MrGOH: Yep...bullshit.

Bullshit...complete bullshit...

@Batman: I don't mind it as long as the points are not drastically different. Head shot was 100 and Voodoo Doll was 100. I think Full Throttle was too. Now hard things should be worth more. Im not sure what exactly they have in terms of hard skill but im sure they worked something up in terms of the difficulty to pull

Why are they not releasing the drug info? Drugs must be old news now...four loko is the new enemy of the state...

Okay, hate on the functionality of ME2's character/costume design. But I think the argument for best costume/character design for a video game is the cosmetic appeal, not functionality. Video games are art after all. I think this award is geared more toward the aesthetics of the outfits, rather than how practical they

@Mavu: I think "brightly lit but grim" is the key phrase in which the author was commenting more on the aesthetic and cosmetic value of the character design, rather than the functional aspect of character/costume design.