
I understand what you are saying, but really? Apple won't be fine simply because a guy loves his company? I doubt it. There are so many other facets of the company that contribute to its success. Sure Steve Jobs is responsible for some of the higher end position hirings, but other than that, the nuts and bolts that is

Kowloon: Could be fun, running in and out of buildings with SMGs would be a blast. Only problem I can see is noobs camping the zip lines, getting 1 easy kill, then getting nade'd a second later. Don't know why they think its fun to get 1 kill and then die. Guess they are happy with that .92 K:D.

@deciBels: While I can't confirm the "crack" noise, I can confirm the quick freeze of spit. Was ice fishing on Lake of the Woods near Minnesota's Northwest Angle, -44F wind chill. Combine that with the fact that we had to snowmobile out to the houses, and you got a bad situation. It was harder to close your mouth once

@SkipErnst: Only in movies can a man out run a storm that is traveling at 40-50 mph...more specifically, only in Michael Bay movies...

Mass Effect 2 is the easy choice. Bioware does such a good job inserting the player into the games universe that allows for complete immersion into the story and the characters. From the opening sequence to the ending sequence, its a constant "chill effect" that leaves the hair on ones neck standing on end. Great

@Archaotic: You can spec into reducing the time. Its no longer than it takes to cast any other biotic power. Just as long as heavy warp takes to cast. It would be too easy if you could charge constantly. Most of the times, especially on the hardest difficulty, you dont want to charge constantly, you charge, blast with

@NuevoLeon: Haha I know, I felt obligated to give you the reason behind my ferocity...

Black Ops, trying to get at least one more prestige...

@NuevoLeon: Because its hypocritical as a writer for a site that caters to "techies" and a company that caters to multiple interests, video games for example (Kotaku), to hate on other peoples interests, no matter how ridiculous that interest is.

Most people already know Astrology is a joke. But seriously, who gives a damn either way. Its a hobby, its a game. It gives certain people entertainment. Most of all, Astrology is harmless. Stop hating Gizmodo. Hating on Astrology-guru's is like hating on a gamer, or hating on...well..."techies", for simply enjoying


@Female Orca: Haha, I wasn't trying to hate on you or anything, maybe I just misunderstood. I do agree with you completely though that it is definitely worth the price.

Last spring, I realized I was playing way too much WoW. I was fresh out of college, and the job market sucked, so after checking my email and job boards, I would play WoW all day. I passed up a lot during that time. Had to quit.

@Female Orca: Small print? A signed and numbered panoramic thats 6'+ isn't small...and is definitely worth $300...

@Lilikka: Except hes being tried in Arizona, and will almost certainly be given the death penalty...so no, he won't be locked up until they feel he can be safely returned to society...and rightly so...i wouldn't want to be an Arizonan tax payer paying for his incarceration...its not their fault this kid committed the

@reapur: Aim to get a head shot? One of the most insane headshot compilations i've ever seen was from a quickscoper in Counter Strike. Theres your pure PC FPS. Just as flawed in terms of "Aiming" to get a headshot...

First off, the chart is obviously an attempt at humor, and in no way serious. Second, its not saying that the XBOX 360 is racist. Its saying that if YOU are racist, you may enjoy the 360 more than another console. Its a shot at the immaturity of some 360 FPS players on XBL who love using racial slurs.

@smi1ey: Its not saying Xbox 360 is racist. Its saying that if you are a racist, you may enjoy the 360 more than PC.

@Clutchman83: Its pretty hard to play on Xbox Live without hearing someone say "N-word"...I even saw a guy with a modded box whose gamertag was actually "N-word", but the actual word. 10-16 year olds think its hilarious to swear and use racial slurs for some reason, and the 360 host more 10-16 year olds than any other

@slickrick23: Haha thanks for the info...im surprised fermented tea isn't alcoholic...