
@Random434: Like Ryoshi said, no one mentioned that "Titan" refers to what you believe it does. As of right now, its a word designated to a project. The picture may have nothing to do with the actual project. If you are going to trademark Titan, you would have to go and talk to Socretes or Plato or some other Greek

@Variatas: Well that depends. Bishop from Alien vs. Predator, or Bishop from Aliens? But thats a different topic entirely...

@Variatas: Oh I know. Bishop is definitely a viable choice. I would just rather see the other dude...

@goobermaster: With the advancement in space travel, id be surprised if the majority of humans still lived on Earth. Yeah its their home planet, but really, at that time, you would think a good chunk of humans would be off planet.

@Variatas: Nah, he should look like that asshole commander from Avatar. A complete badass.

@taminosk: Correct, I can see the council covering it up. That was one of the reasons I was slightly disappointed with the 2nd game. I liked the political aspect of the first game, there seemed like a lack of that. I realize Sheppard was now working with Ceberus and outside of the realms of political domain, but

@Incursor: Lol...its not that they didn't believe...I actually think the "council" believed in them so much that they had to put themselves in a permanent state of delusion in order to maintain their sanity in the face of eminent annihilation.

@Josh Young: 23 year old man here who grew up on Totoro...love it...one of the first movies i will be showing my kids...magical...

@JuneBeatle80: I loved that one too...wasn't that the Freak on a Leash video?

Didn't play any of those but Black Ops...shame on me...wasn't ever really into to racing games though, they seemed too repetitive. Played Fallout 3 and it got boring, fast, plus the main quest line was too short and unsatisfying (apart from the 2nd to last one). The only game on that list that I really want to play is

Gifts for kids you say?!?!? Im 23 and I still love My Neighbor Totoro. Studio Ghibli is amazing when it comes to creating visions of beauty.

@Frosted Mini-Wheats: I know how to prioritize...no worries...been playing Tactics off and on since it came out and am aware of its affects on the human beings ability to have a life...

@-MasterDex-: That was pretty awesome...the main dude's dance moves set me off, definitely made me laugh...

I have been reading up on Invictus and am starting to really want to download and get into this game. Perfect timing too as we are about to get around a foot of snow around the Twin Cities in 'Sota.

@trunkenmath: Sumo's might have done it because sleeping is good for indigestion...

@[ZTF]The Power: Really? Because I can't even understand mic spamming and gross sprays. Why do people have to do it? They should just sit there and take their 4-32 beating.

OHH NOOO....Not Dutch Interrogation!!!