
@acookieaday: There is no doubt there is a heated debate currently in certain scientific circles. But again, your department and the people mentioned in the article are not official representatives of the scientific community and do not speak for the majority. What would turn the table on the original author of the

@bluebogle: If you think of it country-wide though, a few farmers who can't farm anymore is the necessary sacrifice when the countries government can bring in cheaper American product that feed more of the country than the local farmer can. They now work in a factory, but more of the country gets fed.

"I wonder if other scientists would really risk their reputation just to give a positive review on a scientific paper, knowing that it was so obviously wrong as Redfield argues."

@jeccat: Fabricated data or not, the accuser should reproduce the procedure and find flaws themselves. The authors of the paper are obviously standing by their writings. Why should they reproduce the experiment? And 3-4 other scientists accusing them doesn't mean the "community" is against the methods of discovery.

@bluebogle: So, Im confused. Are you agreeing with me in saying that we need our "insane levels of price control and growth management that we do?" Their priority is obviously to make sure we have enough surplus for the American consumer. I have absolutely no problem with them doing whatever they want after that

@dkl415: He can say all he wants about the how the Government subsidies deter livestock and agriculture development. Im talking about how our farmers know what they are doing, and will always know what to do to sustain the populations, and work with distributors to maintain how we consume and export meat products.

@Shinta: I wish I could be a vegetarian. Its healthier depending on the lifestyle you want to live. However, my culture and upbringing do not allow me to stop enjoying meat. In a family decended from German farmers who have retained that culture for generations, its hard not to love meat and vegetables together in

@bluebogle: I wasn't talking about the Japanese beef in the picture at all. But on that topic, thats a beautiful cut of beef right there. Well worth $33 for both.

This is an embarrassment. Has politics now enveloped the scientific community as well? Any self respecting scientist would know that they need proof before making accusations of this nature.

@Craniumz: A very public pre-release helps garner attention to their research. Its basically advertising. If they end up being right, people will demand more information and NASA plus other interested invester's will allocate more funds toward the research of this "new life".

@Shinta: The US manages livestock population and growth very carefully. Though I agree with raising the price on quality cuts of beef, low quality beef products like lean ground beef should still be sold cheaper as its the most viable protein option for low income families and individuals who would rather eat meat

@JP Nees: Im 23 and work with 3M engineers and designers everyday. There is always something to do, multiple projects and such. And companies do care when you do work and what you do. No company wants employees getting paid for non-billable work like the "work" in the video. Let alone 3-4 employees that looked in the

@Fossa: His point that they should be moving fast enough to have a motion blur is still correct, even if drag affects the lighter mass, lowering the velocity. Im not going to sit here all day calculating maximum distance before the blur subsides, but at one point, both the debris and the human are traveling fast

Don't need research or in depth study of the footage to know that this is fake. No way decent looking, frat-boy like people who look like college kids work at a place like that. No way they have that much time on their hands when working at a place like that either.

How about heading to the Twin Cities? We have......um......We have!!......um......

Love NPH. Excellent choice. I wonder if they will do a pre-show interview of him. I'd like to hear what video games he plays, if he plays them that is...

@gundaman: Yeah the dungeon finder was one of the best things that blizzard has done to the game. Once WotLK came out, or even BC, no one ran those older, high level vanilla dungeons, but with dungeon finder, you can find groups easily. May take some time, but its better than not doing them at all. Plus you can grind

@Malice Blackhart: They've known about beings that can thrive on things humans can't for a while. What they didn't know was that some of these beings actually substitute one element for another (the other being the exact opposite thing we THOUGHT was needed for life, arsenic). I guess you could call that arrogance,

He may change his opinion in the next decade but I like that some companies are staying out of the rat race for the recent iphone/facebook gaming fad. Fuck facebook and fuck iPhone gaming. Its a fad that will dissolve once people realize they are playing low quality games that are designed to sell you products thru