
Doesn't matter who took off the fucking shirt people. Where was the probable cause? I don't care who you are, if you didn't watch that video and think, "What...the...fuck?" then you are on equal ground with these moronic TSA agents.

@vinod1978: Psychology is the most overrated profession in the world. I wouldn't be surprised if they analyzed this kid and found violent tendencies and semi-psychotic behavior. How are they going to separate the terrorists from anyone else when every human being on the planet is capable of being a terrorist? Physical

@FlawedHero: Even a simple ball bearing is pretty cool to have done on rapid prototype machines...and to have the balls actually roll around while enclosed within the race is pretty cool as well...

@Dogen: Hahaha It depends on if they modeled the bbq sauce smothered on it. Thats some complex geometry. :P

@Settings: Would be tough, how would you dissolve the rapid prototyping structural material? Leave a hole in the sphere?


@capt_weasle: Without Kotaku comment boards, I would be more productive.

@Mooglecharm: Im not one to argue success...like I said, the list makes one think...

Its strange when looking at this list that people complain about how saturating the market with CoD games will lead to the series' downfall. Well 3 years have passed since CoD4 was released and its still in the top 10 games played online. There are 4 CoD games in the top 10. I for one would like them to tone down the

@WampaCow: I've actually experienced the opposite. As a claymore user, I more often than not, see enemies barreling thru my claymores and not dieing, sometimes when they are only 2-3 feet away...I liked the MW2 clays because with the fuse you could position them strategically to time the kill...with the BO ones, it

@TheGreatRaja: I've actually experienced the opposite. As a claymore user, I more often than not, see enemies barreling thru my claymores and not dieing, sometimes when they are only 2-3 feet away...I liked the MW2 clays because with the fuse you could position them strategically to time the kill...with the BO ones,

@TheGreatRaja: Last night for me, was actually a non-game night...I invited 2 of my friends to play some Domination and kept getting to the "Found 50 games, getting match quality". Then the other would get booted. Tried for at least 30 minutes...couldn't get a game...was about to throw the fucking thing out the

@Mokon: I would welcome a ME2 set in a DA universe...

@Laertus: "This time around they've taken out character creation, one of the systems that makes RPG's so personal and connects its players to their characters so deeply for the duration of the story in favor of one character."

@Chrysalis: Plan to be disappointed and you will be...you might as well not even buy it...

@Nick Edge: Strange philosophy? Not even close. I think many people reflect your sentiment. Me included. I love that they are making it more "hack-and-slash" with faster attacks and faster paced combat. That, combined with Bioware's story telling and setting should provide for a great game, if not a better game than

@Vextoz: The thing is, its the same game now as it will be next year. Plus maybe a few DLCs and patch maintainance. Peoples opinions of the game itself wont change within a year. Their opinion of their experience in the game may change. Annoyances will develop, but most of them are not the games fault. Noob tubers,

@tkabbes: Metacritic is not the ultimate decider in this...sure they are a good source, but Im sure Spike has their own equation and variables that go into making the nomination and decisions.

@Vextoz: I get your point, but the award is for game of the year, not for game of the next 2 or 3 years. Also, people won't stop playing CoD:BO in the next year. Especially once they patch the pesky lag/party matchmaking problems...

@slim934: You can see the "Killed on Impact" symbol in the lower left corner...