
@Maori_Yelir: Hey, just because I am spewing mad "mindfuck" right now, doesn't mean I don't accept what is accepted in scientific circles...im pretty sure these scientists have their hands full of "mindfucks" like this daily...

@Tzalaf: I don't think there is a way to make sense of that. We as humans try to relate everything to what we think we know. Maybe we just have to except that regardless of what we know, there just isn't an answer, or won't be until we experience it first hand.

Glad to see another cartoon rendition of the human female anatomy...

@Maori_Yelir: We talk about it like we know the origin. The end with respect to what? We talk about time based on the distance from earth, when actual time can't be measure without pin pointing the origin of the universe and measuring from those coordinates right? Its like we throw numbers out like 600 million years

@phobos512: Yes I understand that. But im saying, regardless of whether or not we can observe them physically, is there not a very large quantity of older space bodies than the one mentioned in this article? Knowing that, the importance of finding the next oldest is irrelevant until we find the oldest one. Which will

@diagorus: They didn't give a "rate of exchange" though. They gave a set number. They earned money from 1 million shipped/sold Moves...doesn't make a difference which word you choose...they are still stacking paper to the ceiling...

Question: We assume the Universe never ends and is expanding correct? Does that mean there are an infinite amount of space objects as well? If this is the case, wouldn't the next oldest space object be only 1 *insert very small increment of time* older than this one? Is it safe to assume that there has been a

Shipped...Sold...either way...that's cash in their pockets...

@Rampage: I thnk it was called Sorcery? Not sure though, but that did look like a really fun game...

I don't understand how he knew the driver was unconscious or passed out or whatever he was. What are the details? Was it a freeway? How did he know it wasn't just some idiot driver on his cell phone or doing some other stupid thing? I know I can probably click on the Seattle Times link and check it out...but, im

Hahahaha I love the 46 second mark. Good thing striped shirt guy brought refreshment. Whats better than watching 3000 rockets launch into the air?

@AreWeThereYeti: Other than yours and other people's generalizations of the Boy Scouts, the program, with the right leadership, can actually be very good for America's youth. Its not a coincidence that a lot of astronauts, military commanders/officers, and CEO's are Eagle Scouts. I'd rather have my kid be in the

@TwinTiger: March or Sept 2011? Doubtful. Im betting on Christmas 2011.

@Rugdog: What about..

@Rugdog: Who knows, maybe one day one of your friends, if you have any, will ask if anybody knows how a CD is made. Then you can look cool in front of them as you explain. And there might be a hot techy babe at the bar overhearing the conversation. Becoming increasingly turned on at every mention of the word "disc".

@geolemon: God...Bless...America...

@geolemon: Pretty surprised as well. And your right, it would be fairly simple to design a sheet metal case for all of this, and cheap...

Whiskey touch-glass eh?