
@Brad Roth: Not anymore, because the iPad sales numbers are reflecting your sentiment. People would rather have an iPhone 4. Apple was genius in releasing such a useless product like the iPad before they launched the iPhone 4.

@imsh_pl: 3/5 = .60 = 60/100 = 60%

Frankenreview neglected?!?!? Are you serious?!?!? I hope your ending sentence in italics was a joke, and not fore-shadowing the end of the Frankenreview, because I love this feature...

@mrm: Could have guess you were from Cali based on how anal you are when it comes to correcting grammatical errors on a blog comment board. :P

@superfluousK: fried shrimp, shrimp gumbo, raw shrimp, shrimp fried chicken, chicken fried shrimp...

@soldstatic: I never said get rid of peak plants, just said to make them larger, and with better energy storage technology (which needs to be researched a lot more than it is currently, and Im not talking about better batteries for peoples iPhones).

@Inkmonkey: I always liked the Chrono series and FF1-10 specifically because of the story, and game mechanics. I liked being able to have the all the options available to me and a good amount of time to decide my strategy. Do I use an attack with all 4 of my characters or do I have one of them do a group Cura in case

@soldstatic: Yes I know. But all of those things you listed are already in place (except for the peak plants, but systems like that are already developed, just need to make them larger). Im saying that if you take that list, the number things you can cross off that list after the implementation of this technology

@Eggman006: Hmm...true...I think maybe im still wishing for a new, rendored FFVII...

@Ueziel: Guess I should have rephrased it to say "good turn-based RPGs".... :P

@YourSaltyPinkDeathNuts: 3-9 is a toss up between Browning, Benz (and all the German inventors credited with the invention of the automobile), Franklin, Edison, Tesla, and Elijah McCoy.

@Ueziel: Guess I should have rephrased it to say "on console"....

Dear Square-Enix:

@Lupison: He is the offspring of Poseidon and Apollo. All shall fear and worship him....

@eliavictor: Like Soldistic said, there will always be electric companies, and there should be. These companies could possibly make just as much money using this technology simply by how efficient it is. CEO says to the CFO, "lets go down the list and scratch off what we no longer need". Drills, shipping, and

@stryder100: He just has to be very careful handling the legal aspect of this invention. If big oil or mining companies get a hold on just 1 of his patents, the whole project can disappear. That said, I agree. We all should do what we can to spread this information around in order to get more and more people to gain

This guy just moved to number 2 on my all-time list of favorite engineers. Just below Leonardo Da Vinci.