
@Mr. Leinad: I understand that its fun. When I used to play WoW and SC1 we would get 4-5 computers in one room and play, and yes, the atmosphere was great. But theres the kicker. We were still playing over blizzard servers, and there was nothing wrong with that. Why not just get a bunch of friends to play on Bnet? So

Its the artwork that is the point of this exhibit people, not the charactor design. Its not like they took a screenshot of a peon, framed it, and hung it on the wall. Im sure it consists of some really detailed works of art. Check out the WoW fan art on the website if you dont know what im talking about. Some of it is

@ryoshi: I remember doing the same thing. The sad thing is, college firewalls like that are not that archaic anymore. There are still a lot of schools out there that still have strict firewalls. But its something I dealt with freshman year, and then, like most sophomores I know, we moved to an apartment, and there

@comrade_leviathan: The fact that it CAN maneuver at all is a feat in itself. And justifies its classification as a space ship, as well as a space station. It can be both. To me, the ability to maneuver is what makes it a space ship as well. It got from Aldaran to Yavin IV in a time period of like a few hours. Thats

They better have a better matchmaking system than CoD. Id quit games too if I were paired up with premades, and theres constantly a harrier and AC130 in the air. Whats more important is that they dont put people looking for groups in matchmaking into the games that these "quitters" left. Thats just unfair...MW2 messed

I don't understand why everybody hates on the lack of LAN. Why can't you just invite all your buddys to a party in bnet and go from there? Who the fuck wants to bring their comps to another persons house anyway? Too much work...

Hahaha...its soo funny listening to non-SC players talk about playing a SC game for the first time...Its seriously great...Im not making fun of them...its just funny...

Weapons of Mass Destruction running on Duracell batteries is actually a very clever statement. Some would say that a microphone and radio are weapons of mass destruction. Don't underestimate the ability the media or some jerkoff in the middle east has to manipulate a confused, ignorant populus into commiting acts of

@Quazifuji: Couldn't have said it better myself. Humans are story driven. We like knowing that there is possibility for progression. There is a reason the trailers showed cinematics including SC charactors and not 5 half naked koreans staring at a computer screen in the dark clocking their APM.

Congratulations!! So what do you get if you win?

So does this run off of, and charge its own battery while charging ones devices? Or do you have to plug it in in order to generate your own hydrogen? If so, whats the give and take here? The energy input compared to energy output if you will. How efficient is this machine really?

@RustyNeedle: Yeah some kids wanted to be astronauts, but also Fireman? Army Guy? Or my dream as a kid, Hicks from Aliens? Alas, until they develop portable, 7 foot machine guns, im out of luck.

As long as they have better in-flight movies than airlines, i'm game.

"Be Whats Next" leaves a lot to be discussed. Whats next exactly? Anything could be next. This isn't going to last, because what happens after they become "Whats next"? will they change their slogan to "Be Whats After Next"? Or will they change it to "Be Whats Now" because whatevers "next" will eventually be the