
My Hyundai Veloster lets me play xbox... hahahaha, probably not such a great idea, but still fun.

woooow look at that sweet body kit on the corolla...

If they buy a truck it's a Toyota (Hilux) or a Nissan

hey look a Volkswagen!

these are South American taxis, dubbed "Ham Cans" my Dad lived in Argentina in the 60's and 70's, has many memories of these things, they also obviously sold them in Brazil, IDK all of the countries they sold them in though.

Until the wait is over, show us your favorite vehicles made in the US and A that can take on the world's best!

every company that sells a pickup truck in the US that isn't american either builds it in the US or stopped making it because no one bought it... 'Merica

yeah, living in texas, the new black and whit plates look a lot better than the old colorful ones, WAAAAY too busy

I bought a Hyundai Veloster as my first personally purchased car two days ago, a brand new car, got a great deal too. There are several points I will make through this car.

Daaaaaa Bearce (that's how it always sounded to me)

ghetto chic

I just threw up in my mouth a bit...

This is part of the plot in an episode of Graceland! Russians sell Lambos and steal them back because they installed lo-jack, then they go back and sell them again.

yeah, saw this on the news yesterday, it was rainy and got up to a crisp 90, even rained a bit, which bumped the humidity up from the usual 70% to 100% which isnt uncommon.

"A PPPPPPLDEGE PPPIN???" (spits on face while talking)

at 54 seconds, you clearly see the "mysterious" break lights of a Camaro, maybe he should have stayed in motorcycle school for a few extra days.

Just wait until the DJ comes out and uses the turntable that's on top..... not joking

"My life's work is to go around and cut the nuts off of those trucks" -My Dad


They should have used Cadillac, Madden's getting pretty old! "Sponsored by the new Cadillac DTS, using a large V8 with terrible fuel economy and front wheel drive!"