2015 Honda Accord

I’m not sure how old you are but if you are 18 or older you should move out.

Good work, sir.

Is it really a sucker punch if he’s charging with a big stick?

Who cares, this whole thing is awesome.

THERE IT IS! IT ALL COMES BACK TO FAMILY TRADITIONS! This one damn near beats that one! lmao!

Apples and oranges. I don’t know any Bey stans who’d argue that she’s in the same category as Whitney. (Although I do think the Michael Jackson comparisons are valid.) Whitney couldn’t dance for squat—she was a superb vocalist while Bey’s a great performer. Let folks have their lanes. In any case I bet you that if the

Kristjen — when your origin story is from a non-shithole country.

an entire segment on how volcanoes have nothing to do with Climate Change.

Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t let you work the registers.

He’s very popular in the Midwest.

Oh, I think I smell what you are cooking.

lol <3


Dude you are not even close to getting over her. You just brought her up in the comments section of a sports blog and tried to convince a bunch of internet stranger of how over her you are. I kinda feel for you but you need to stop lying to yourself.

I hope this story doesn’t end with you claiming you abandoned your 19 year old girlfriend at an Appalachian Diner or something.

Yeah sure I got over it. That was so long ago it literally doesn’t matter anymore. Things could have been different obviously but that doesn’t mean they would have been better right? It’s impossible to say and that’s why there’s no use thinking about it. It’s over and done with. It was decades ago. Doesn’t matter

And you got over it, didn’t you. Each of us has had to eat shit at some point in our lives. It sucks, but it makes you stronger, wiser, better.  I guarantee you he’s not scared.

Either it’s a nonsequitur or you’re doing whataboutism. Both are not helpful.

This is what the future of the left looks like m? Good luck with that.

Ah the good ole Gawker fleshbot days