2015 Honda Accord

Get out of here you scamp.

The only response you should care about is David Hogg’s.

Hopefully this means that we get another crop of student activists. Given the location of this school it’s also entirely possible that some of them are Dreamers just like Emma4Change. That’s pretty powerful and definitely good ammo for us that could help shape the midterms.

Honestly, this doesn’t bother me too much. Don’t get me wrong - I love and support PP, but at some point we need to realize that the future of abortion is much more like fast food than it is outpatient centers. Maybe PP could lead the way there but it doesn’t seem like they want to change. They’re like the Walmart of

I don’t advocate violence, but when I do it’s to make sure that anyone who claims to be trans is taken seriously. Full stop. You say you are trans, you are trans. This is not up for debate. I don’t care if this guy had a full goddamned beard. He says he is trans and that is the end of the story.

I’m 32 and it’s actually really common to move back in with your parents after college. Thanks for the domicile shaming though! Not a good look but what is for Drumpf supporters. Certainly not that MAGA hat.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this comment? I don’t have time to read it right now but the first couple sentences sounded like OP was victim blaming.

My parents still watch Faux News. Every time I catch them with it on I tell them it’s literally government propaganda. They don’t listen. They watch the daytime shows, they watch the primetime shows. They didn’t vote for Drumpf, but now they like him. Whenever Drumpf tweets about Faux & Friends they get so excited

Of course. Here are some of his other poems.

What on earth are you talking about?

Yeah, I agree with you. Especially about the Michael Jackson comparison. MJ and Whitney were on the same level. Beyonce and Timberlake are a couple notches down.

And they say Shaun King is white. Look at that photo and tell me that’s a white man. No.


I was at Charlottesville when the Alt Right attempted to sack the town. I wasn’t a leader of the resistance. I guess none of us were. We were just there, doing what we knew needed to be done. What we knew was right. I fought alongside dozens of elementary school teachers. They were strong, they were brave. They

White guy here. This is BS. We cannot be the victims of racism. It’s simply not possible because of our huge inherited privilege, something we should slowly be giving up by the way. It’s not right. We have systemically been oppressing minorities for centuries and they deserve some of our historic gains from that

Slut shaming is not cool. Trump is rubbing off on you guys it seems.

No offense to Beyonce but Whitney is the greatest vocalist and performer of all time. She just had such a naturally sweet, perfect voice. Strong when she wanted to be. She could turn a scream into a whisper without losing the listener. She didn’t need any production at all, let alone the kind of production that

Nothing bothers me more than when someone just adds a letter to their first name. Kristen is now Kristjen? Those are two names: Krist and Jen. Or just Kristen with a J. It stresses me out just thinking about why the hell she did this. Pick a name and stick with it. Not that big of a deal.


I haven’t. The Onion was blocked for a while so I’m not very familiar. I typically stick to the Gawker main page.