If you have a little drive and education, then that kind of stuff is written as fast as it can be spoken.
Also, it’s “Slow clap”, not ‘Slow clap’. Learn the language if you don’t want to look like a moron.
If you have a little drive and education, then that kind of stuff is written as fast as it can be spoken.
Also, it’s “Slow clap”, not ‘Slow clap’. Learn the language if you don’t want to look like a moron.
I stand corrected on the point of car-hating. I mixed up Alanis and Alissa. They’re both objectively terrible at the journalism thing.
King is a poor reporter, even by Gawker standards. When she’s not writing articles about how cars should be completely outlawed she’s chucked into weekend editor on Jalopnik. There’s a book’s worth of subtext to be found in that gem.
Really? I see it the other way around... If you're a white male in the Western world no one gives a fuck about you... Everyone else gets a stage and media backing.
Isn’t it? Super legible, condenses a whole world of statistics into a tiny little space. Those people at Pew really know what they’re doing.
Now religion is white? Ever been to any country other than USA? In Mexico, brown-skinned peope literally walk on their knees to the Guadalupe Basilica for miles. There are many more examples worldwide of mass movement by Catholics that aren’t white. While some religions are tied to race and ethnic background,…
You accuse me of PLAYING dumb in my comment but you actually ARE dumb in yours. You don’t even know Jesus wasn’t white, or that most Christians are non-white and non-western. And I have a boner all the time right or wrong so I don’t need to point out your ignorance to get one. You need to learn to give a fuck about…
Yeah, let’s see the guy call for a Mohammed depiction, you know because he thinks it would be hilarious. Christians (and Hindus) are an easy target for the lazy because they don’t generally cut your head off if you cross them.
Jesus wasn’t “white” and the majority of Christians in the world are brown or black. If you’re gonna go racial, make sure you have half a clue what you’re talking about.
Yes, because Jesus was *totally* white.
Uh oh, WHITE GUILT ALERT. Shut the fuck up
Jesus is made fun of way more than any other religion’s deity. Also, Jesus isn’t white.
Jesus is depicted in all kinds of ways outside the intended religious way and Christians, for their part, largely don’t care.
about ‘fah hunnert
Because if you are a white cishet-scum male you aren’t oppressed enough to be allowed to have an opinion. That’s how it works.
Calling him fat in a negative light is not proper body positivity. Think of all those whales out their who have less “social power” than you because they just can’t put down the Cheetos for one fucking second?
Uh, he did mean shit shower. What exactly is that a typo for? Shirt shower? Shit flower? The idea it’s a typo doesn’t make any sense.
You don’t have to respect or forgive a person to be able acknowledge when they say something halfway intelligent.
The surprising thing is that there’s usually a bunch of wise words hidden beneath all the shit he says.