TBH, the only thing I am interested with this VR hype is porn/erotic games related stuff.
TBH, the only thing I am interested with this VR hype is porn/erotic games related stuff.
Bought PS move since day 1, times used up to date: 1.
On one hand, I love to see the VR market blossom . But on the other hand, I am afraid there isn't going to be some sort of unified standard and you have to buy specific VR set for specific games.
Dont forget Nvidia VR
If I am a fanboy of any series, it would be MGS.
Real != Good.
So I am a sub-human just because I don't enjoy Zelda games?
It was Friday night. Chill dude.
A. This game has crappy graphic!!
lmao.... FF14 is for kids.
The thing is, this game isn't really scary. I mean if you play in a pitch black room and with a headphone on, then maybe it's sort of scary.
Well, I look at this as a good thing. There is already a HW1 that you CAN play anytime. Porting HW1 into HW2 sort of filled a gap for players who liked HW2' better.
Ya, sorry I didn't expand the whole thread :(
Obviously that guys thinks his kind is the only "REAL" gamer and everyone else is fake gamer.
Imagine play a game such as Uncharted. You have to start from the prologue whenever you die. How fun is that?
Sure DS is a challenging game. But if you want a real challenge, go play a competitive against other players. Because no matter how smart/brutal the enemy/AI is in dark soul, it does not adapt. It can be beaten REPEATEDLY WITH THE SAME STRATEGY. It might be fun for the first time, but it's bond to lose its charm the…
Totally agree with you.