
I've done some research since I am in the exact same boat as you are.

What if I have the Monster Hunter 4 preinstalled on the new 3DS? Would transfer the system erase Monster Hunter?

Nice, just got UPS's delivery coming notice of my N3DS XL MH edition!

I don't know what's wrong with books. Books and video games are not exclusive of each other. IMHO, people need to read more books, no matter his/her age.

Bought OoT 3DS on day 1, couldn't bring myself to finish it (tried a few time, but lost interest in a day or two). Bought Skysword Wii on day 1, tried really hard to like it but got bored 2-3 hours and never touched it again.

The rule was put in place to stop MALE gay player who identifies himself as woman to join the tourney.

What you said is true but it's still unrelated to my point nor related to my argument.

Given the SAME studio/designer/game, I believe having a more capable hardware to work with would result in a better game. You are more than welcome to believe otherwise.

The main quest line doesn't take 180 hours, not even close....

What he meant is: Would you rather have Xenoblade made on gameboy rather than Wii U now days? Probably not. Why?

lol. I know right?

Between work, family, and social crap, about 6 hours a week IF I am LUCKY....

3 hours everyday + full weekends = a lot of disposable time to me

Although unrelated to gaming, this is still a pretty interesting read.

Cheap out on case is a bad idea. I would not trust a $30 case.

As much as I love DA:I, I have to say that you have A LOT of disposable time....

"considering that the PC version still eats powerful PC's for breakfast"

That's just a made up concept. WTF is next generation gameplay? VR games or AR games?

You are freaking nuts.

I didn't know DA:I was a disaster. I enjoyed it thoroughly.