
Season pass it may not.

That would be me, only buy cod games for single player not necessarily because they are good but they are always a marvelous thing to behold with set pieces that few other games can achieve or have the budget to do so

Holy shit, Walt Williams is writing the singleplayer! For the uninformed: Spec Ops: The Line

Its almost as if different people want different things! And maybe they should stick to what made it popular in the first place and not pander to people complaining who aren’t in the group of people who liked the original.

In my opinion, the multi player is usually very crappy. I couldn’t even get through the co-op in portal 2. I like a good story and game mechanics. If I wanted to interact with other people I would be outside. Multi player is usually just tacked on as all they have to do is re-use assets from the single player.

I dunno, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Battlefield Bad Company 1 and 2 along with BF3 were the best Battlefield games in my opinion.

Then that’s a good thing. Titanfall 2 was amazing.

I’ll allow this!

The Force Awakens pretty much killed my enthusiasm for episodes 8 and 9. This is a big ‘ole “meh” until we have proof that the story will actually make sense.

They did the same thing with The Force Awakens. They just don’t use it in the official title or logos anymore.

Few of the posters called TFA “Episode VII” either. The roman numerals will probably still be in the opening crawl, but my guess is that they excised them from the posters to make them look nicer (and, as always, distance them from the prequels).

Meh. The teaser for Episode VII looked good, but that turned out to be a pretty mediocre film. I’ll pass on the hype train.

“We’re going to bring something new, something revolutionary. We call it Jedii U.”

One of my only problems now is that I have a hard time not hearing the Joker in Mark Hamill.

This is Marvel. Every black person in America apparently lives in Harlem.

Excellent. We’ve conditioned you to hate millions of people you’ve never met, pre-judged on the behaviour of a subset of them, most of whom you’ve also never met but have read about on the internet (e.g. this article). All we need to do now is turn that tendency towards prejudice in a racial direction. I see you later

I love Black Panther as a character. I LOVE Kirby’s run on him. I LOVE Christopher Priest’s take on him. I pretty much worship Hickman’s use of him.

I’m struggling for a way to put this without getting murdered: I don’t see how Hugo nominations are some kind of rebuttal of Marvel’s statement. Before and especially after the puppy fiascos of late the Hugo’s are exactly the “forum” that speaks/advocates for the parties that would be upset by marvels announcement.

Yeah like that nerd that donated 3.6 billion to eradicate malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. The worst.