
Dark Tower board game. Elder Scrolls Online and Rocket League.

It's been! But sounds more like Yit spin.

I could have talked myself into liking a Creed song if it opened Justified.

Yeah, that's why I play the playlists over playing ranked. I'd rather have a bot than play up or down a man.

My brother's in town so disc golf, dominion, poker and hoping to get him into Towerfall Ascension.

Cannibal Caught by Crawford

"Love your suit!"

A killer eel swam into it's maniacal, wheel chair bound owners mouth. You won't believe what happened next.

Another commenter theorized that Chilton would die via Dollarhyde rather than Freddie. Makes sense to me, and I'm sure Hannibal would revel in manipulating Dollarhyde to do so.

What did Allana and Chilton lie about? Hannibal's insanity?

This looks pretty good.

Or people that don't like her have different taste than you.

Cameron Esposito!



Dead adjace.

That's what I'm looking for.

You on PS4? I'm RapidTapioka, mostly play in the EU server.

ESO! It finally works and I love it.

"An optimist believes he lives in the best possible world. A pessimist fears this is true."