
It's impossible to cover this team without, at least occasionally, being critical of Snyder. When an organization fails as consistently as this one does, occasionally you have to go to criticize the top guy. Sally Jenkins...Boswell....Steinberg...all of those guys are far more vicious in their criticism of Snyder

can't wait to hear Kornheiser go off tomorrow morning!

UCLA lol

I didn't actually start reading Simmons until 2009, but I've read everything in his archives at least once and usually more (part I like his style, part compulsive completism) - what stands out about this kind of stuff today is how much early-2000s era Simmons would HATE 2015 Simmons - the lack of insiderish

That name dropping paragraph was turrrible, but you do realize your biggest article each week is a blatant rip off of his mailbag, right? You mail that in as much as anything Simmons does.

Then I think of what Sean Penn did to her - on top of this, and he 96% knowing this had happened to her- and I want to hurt people. Or, rather, him. Him. And people who defend him. Oh, and those who keep giving him work.

At least it's better than when the Denver Nuggets had their mascot do a reenactment of Billie Holiday's Strange Fruit.

2015 Gawker: ISIS skit on SNL tries to be a "funny" "death to America" parody, gets criticized on Twitter... "LOOK AT ALL THOSE DUMB PEOPLE NOT GETTING HUMOR!" Dustin Penner makes an ill advised rape joke... "He's a monster and rape is never funny, and I hope he gets fired from his job!" Oh, Gawker Echo Chamber,

Now if there's only some way to get Nick Kypreos, Doug McLean, Jeff O'Neil, Aaron Ward and Brad May to also make rape jokes the deadline coverage might be watchable.

It seems Penner is not mightier than the pen.

"What a jerk."

That just simply doesn't look like a guy who was just in sea water for 16 hours.

Fires are scary, but you know what's scarier? People who insist on smoking cigarettes in 2015. You do not look cool, and in fact, you look like a stinky jackass. Get a patch and be done with that nasty ass habit already. No one likes it but you.

Totally. Fires + tall buildings = fucking nightmare.

As an oncologist, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for such a well-written explanation of why this stuff drives us crazy.

If she had to beat cancer a second time, her remedies didn't work all that well if you ask me.

Mr. Konrad

Well, if I had to guess, he was probably pretty wet the entire time.

"There are easier ways to get into the news."