
Even if there is, it’s not a total deal breaker.

I’d guess a lot of VWs growth issues stem from a tendency to build cars with a bevy of reliability issues and the reputation that results.

This is archetypal “movie super-villian plotting” pose.

Somewhere between a snowballs chance in hell and when pigs fly

A Toyota truck with a V6 and a 5-speed? For $4,500? You could double the mileage and it would still be a NP. Shut up and take my money.

So when do I get my theft insurance discount?

Let’s check the Crack Pipe Checklist:

They just meant they werent charging extra for the rust, its free.

The fact that it's too dangerous for human children, is why I'll never send my canine children up that way.

No thanks, I'll just drive.


The Pelican Grief

When my dumbass mechanic broke off a water pump bolt in the block of my Fiat.

Semen no. Seamen yes.

Started with this

But was it owned by John Voight?

I would pay $50 to avoid being seen driving it

This is too hard to resist. They've been letting Maldonado race with soft tissue damage for a couple of years. I guess when it's inside your helmet it's okay.