I remember that. He said he couldn't stay married if he couldn't fuck other women. It was super gross.
I remember that. He said he couldn't stay married if he couldn't fuck other women. It was super gross.
FIrstly - the link issue is because Kinja is a piece of hot, steaming, sprinkle-laden shite.
Eek they both sound pathetic. The ‘how dare you ignore me I’m a man!’ thing is sooooo hot. And what could be friendlier than honoring someone’s wishes and taking their pic off your feed? eyeroll, eyeroll, eyeroll...
Wouldn’t be wonderful if we had a system of health care that people wouldn’t have to depend on the kindness of strangers?
I have my ex blocked on everything but Paypal, highly recommend. It’s still annoying and invasive as shit when he reaches out, but at least I’m getting compensated for it.
I think it makes them feel powerful. So annoying when they do that stuff. My first boyfriend still likes to try bug me and I’ve been ignoring him for 18 years.
I hear that Key West is very pedestrian friendly. And you can rent a bike if the mood strikes. Also, polydactyl cats, gorgeous sunsets, and the best Cuban sandwiches outside of Cuba.
He’s an obvious piece of shit. I could see it as a dumb teenager back in the late 90s when Oprah started shilling for him. It baffles me that people couldn’t see through him.
If you were very eager to get away from your current circumstances and start over in a sleepy beach town, where would you go? Are there any affordable, walkable places with things to do on the East or Gulf coast? Maybe I should just move to Florida.
Didn’t he get his Ph.D from like DeVry or a bartending school or something?
she’s referencing her then bf chris brown’s asian gf. i think at the time he was dating both of them. it’s the same as sharon osbourne calling julie chen a wonton. and that song is a song with chris brown.
You’re not the only one. Maybe I’m dense, but I read that as a line about actual rice cakes ... which almost anything can be sweeter than, because those are awful and made of styrofoam.
Who among us, after an off day, hasn’t grown a terrible Amish-style beard and lashed out violently at a specific ethnic minority? Give the guy a break, sheesh! /s
Same struggles as you, and I fully agree.
As someone who has struggled with alcohol, drugs, and food, I agree with her that strict sobriety isn’t the answer for everyone struggling with addiction. The context is important, of course, but if the only possible outcomes of your attempts to beat addiction are full sobriety or binge drinking at 9am, you constantly…
I’m hoping it all works out for you! It sounds to me like he really needs to examine his feelings & realize that he needs to make the move & propose to you. 💕
I’m dubious, but it would be nice to think that this experience would make us all appreciate one another a bit more that we did previously, and that newfound appreciation would manifest in better manners, politeness, and simple but kind gestures towards one another.
It’s going to be awkward because it’s going to go like this:
Mr. Ivy Drip & I met when we were a little younger than J.Lo & A-Rod are now. We finally got married after being together 15 years & we have sex every day, which is not my preference, but I love him so I go along with it.