
@Wolfstone is informative: Yeah I have a C7000 50 that I firmware hacked to a C8000 so I would get control over motion judder and the Cinema Smooth feature, only thing I'm missing is that Real Black Filter, but I read on AVSforums that it isn't a big deal. Anyways, yeah it's a great set, I couldn't be happier, I'm

@sadpanda: Yeah, unfortunately I eBay'd it originally to buy the 5850, but now I eBay'd that and have a 6870, which I now plan to eBay again and go for a 6950 LOL.

Where are the Samsung Plasmas (PN C7000, C8000, C9000) !?

@Pants McCracky: Hopefully it won't be a disappointment like the Star Wars prequels lol.

@splitlenz: Yeah I was reading that from MacMan on the Tonymacx86 blog. Thanks for the info! :D

Time to update my Hackintosh ;)

@running365001: +1 I'd buy two, one for the 360 and one for my PC haha.

@SQLGuru: 1 Core, Two Threads. :)

@madara: Exactly. Make it happen. ;)

@madara: Eat more McDonalds and your stomach will get used to it ;)

@sadpanda: Thanks yeah I figured that out the other day. Got everything running perfectly except I had to swap out my GTX 460 for a Radeon 5850 due to lack of Fermi support. But yeah, pretty good stuff.

@nunyafishness: Got it, I understand what you are saying but where you say "you can do something doesn't mean that you should do something.", I'm not entirely sure the article's writer ever says that you have to, he is just showing that you have an alternative if you wanted an apple computer at a fraction of the cost.

This is cool, I want to try this. Quick question if anyone can assist, I have my Windows OS on HDD1, I want to install a 2nd hard drive (HDD2) and install OS X onto that.

@Squirrelbot3000: I believe that was disbanded when they got the new show runners.

4G is on and running in Sacramento, CA!!

@dsmeek36: " Starkiller would chew Luke up and spit him out, all while he's crying "Leia!" and waiting for Han Solo to show up."

@Wayne Ripley: Probably because he/she didn't ride on a stolen bike after, and then hop in between people's backyards haha.