
I want the 27" version ;)

I'll trade my EVO in for that :D

@aek8: I prefer progressive lines over interlaced. Interlaced sometimes produces jaggedness and such, while Progressive is much more sharp.

I could have sworn there were some Gizmodo articles saying how Facebook is like evil or something. :)

@Knowitallguytherevenge: I'm pretty sure it would. It's more advanced, has phasers and photon/quantum torpedoes, shields, etc,.. While the galactica is using nuclear warheads and just armor plating. lol

@Prostate of Grace: Nevermind, the solution was to just adb remove the old voicesearch.apk, then reboot and install the new voicesearch.apk.


@MajorGroove: Well yeah, but I already shelled out $400 for two pairs of rechargable Samsung 3D Glasses. So I don't want to shell out more money for nVidias emitter+glasses lol. I'll just wait for the PS3 update / more 3D PS3 games.

@MajorGroove: Yeah, it wont work on my set though. You need nvidia's glasses and ir receiver and I believe a 120hz display, which a plasma won't read as. :)

@tralfaz23: I'd promote/approve this... if I could :)

@matthewabel: HTPC + TV Capture Card + Antenna + something similar to Windows Media Center or WMC itself. :)

@A.Jaswal: Yeah it's okay. I just have a problem where I always have to have the latest/newest tech. So 3D came out and I jumped on it.

@A.Jaswal: I hate you. God damn elitist... I want a Kuro :(

This looks like some shit I'd see on Fringe. =D Can't wait Season 3...

Adsense? =D

@Ricorich196: Yeah, I personally waiting for the CyanogenMod RC1 to go to a final version, but I've been using that and it's great (I prefer ASOP to Sense), but I hear the Ava Froyo V3 rom is 100% working now due to the release of 2.2!