Oh god it's a replicator.
Oh god it's a replicator.
@Bluevane: For most games multiplayer is a cheap add-on.
@Y-bot: I can play Half-Life at 80 fps on a macbook so I don't really know what you're complaining about. WoW runs fine as well.
Nice, now I don't have to import one at an exorbitant price. Ty, Capcom.
@LionheartAce: I'd rather just sage him seven times.
I was confused when it started out like an animu version of LOTR.
I like the space odyssey reference with the picture :D
Central is pretty early one the list, nice.
@someone_else: you need to get your plumbing checked... #bayonetta
@Chilly Hollow: I've had a new [battle.net] account since they announced it and have gotten no such spam. #worldofwarcraft
I've been really anticipating this game since I first heard about it. I love the idea of playing it like FFXII which is sort of an MMO playstyle and turn-based hybrid.
@Bubbleman!: How about an HD version of Shenmue I and II for PS3 and 360 as well?
What are you doing? Playing Halo 3.
Has anyone tried this on an unlocked iPhone?
Thank you Sega!
Head start was a complete nightmare, several people in my guild waited all day in queue. I got dc'd and had to wait 2hr and 45 minutes in queue. I was able to get halfway through level 16 though.
Does this mean that it isn't too late for me to get to find a nice Japanese bar girl?
I have a lot of the old figurines still, some of the boxes had cardboard cutout pizza emblems still got those too.
i still have my gamegear, complete with all the accessories and carry case. good stuff.