
Just watched this episode again, and that still really bothers me.
I think the writers thought that we, the audience, would think less of them if they killed people. Quite the opposite for me.
Also, wholly unbelievable. These battle hardened survivors can't hit fleeing civilians whilst shooting fully automatic

Yeah, couldn't agree more about AMC. Why would any halfway established show creator want to work with them? Their new strategy seems to be spin off city.
That, and cupping the balls of Robert Kirkman, while making whoever is current TWD EP service his crank.

She's the Worf of TWD.
I bet launching a few proton torpedoes is her answer to every situation as well.

I think he feels if he wears larger and larger custom jerseys, no one will realize he's passed the 350 lbs mark.
Every time he opens his mouth, I appreciate Silent Bob that much more.