
The Simon reveal feels like a misdirect. Oliver and Michaela's motives are as suspect as Simon's and they have more skill and dislike for Annalise. Remember how much Michaela hated Ana last season? And there is something about Oliver that just isn't clicking for me. This storyline is far from over and I doubt that we

This was a grounding and revelatory episode from the black girl magic of the beauty shop to the exemplary character work. No doubt, several actors will use scenes from this show come Emmy nominations.

I was amazed at how cohesive the episode was given the flashbacks and all of the character work that was done with at least five characters. Of course it was the writing and actors who provided some outstanding scenes to edit.

Is it me or is Frank considerably thinner this season? I know facial hair makes the face appear bigger, but every time I saw him walking this episode I could not believe that he was that thin last season.

Frank and Bonnie had an intimate relationship before so why did this encounter feel weird? I never saw them as siblings. There was always chemistry between them. Bonnie protested too much about Laurel and Frank's relationship.

Reminiscent of Shane Botwin on "Weeds".

I gave up a couple season ago. Watching the show came to feel like more like a tragedy than a comedy. The pain of their lives was too much for an hour show when considering how the adults were damaging the children. Looks like there maybe some new beats in the storytelling this season.

Lip maybe the fall guy for this company if he isn't careful…

About time she gave them a serving of tough love!

Time has always been an issue on this show.

1. Didn't Murphy lose two of his biggest prizes when the doctor and 10K chose suicide?
2. Didn't Murphy have to eat a follower's brains (the doctor) to develop a plan to keep his sycophants/fans in his enthrall?
3. Murphy and Trump's followers' fear a world they can't control any longer and push aside all logic to

This may be true, but it does not change the impact the episode has had on me and the reviewer to name but two. Sometimes the art that touches us the most is not planned.

Did Trump just arrive on the scene? He has been on the campaign trail for over eighteen months and prior to that he was a 'celebrity' who New Yorkers and TV viewers (even radio/Sirus) were familiar with…

I can see how a viewer may feel duped given the show's trajectory, but part of the greatness of this show is its willingness to thread new paths in zombie lore. So though this show is a departure from the comedic steeped zombie show we all adore, I can't admonish the show's creator and writers for their vision. This

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! A Ginny/Mike relationship would require nuance and that is not in this shows skill-set. I really hope they don't go there at least not this season. The show has not been able to nail any aspect yet and if they throw in this-what will surely be a complicated hook-up or relationship- they are doomed!

1. Too bad the writing isn't as good as FNL.
2. I wonder if Mike will be her surrogate dad?
3. I think the show will harp on the fact that as a woman and POC she simply cant make a lot of mistakes.
4. The best scenes are with Mike/Ginny and Ginny and Blip/Family.

What show did you stick with?

This show feels like the showrunner went on vacation and decided not to come back. There are too many broken pieces of this show for anyone to actually be leading it. Maybe it has been studio noted too much. Unfortunately they took a great concept, very capable leads and fumbled the ball.

I don't think she has forgiven her mother. Ginny just doesn't want to discuss her feelings; she doesn't want to tell her mother that she knows about the affair. This is one of the character's flaws. With those she is close to she has a difficult time being vulnerable. She rarely if ever opens up herself to others.

This is one of the biggest problems with the show. They don't ground the show with the game. For us to become invested in Ginny and the Padres we need to understand the team's season. The baseball in the show is presented like it was shot separately from the main story. Too often these scenes feel shoehorned into the