
The original commentator specifically referenced living in America during formative years.

The thing I can't get beyond is the reasoning for Parker's vs Celest's verdict. In summary because Parker had had sex with her before and she came to his room, even if drunk, meant that their sex was consensual? Even reading the transcripts I don't get it.

Race compounds the issue. The 'rape victim' was white and Penn State has had its own issues with race so it was not surprising that the black students jumped behind Parker.

When will black men give black women this kind of support? When will we stop blindly supporting them. I obviously do not though I did have questions about the rape allegations when I heard them. My biggest question was why Gabby Union signed on to this project? She must have known about his past and read/understood

You nailed it! "He went from "its in the past", to "I regret what happened" to, "I ain't even do sh*t"…if he flip flop again they might make him the Republican nominee in 2020."

I predict Parker will be doing another more prominent interview in the near future to supplant the mess he created in this one. Though this sixty minutes interview was poorly done, especially edited, Parker said the most unfortunate things showing that he really had not learned much or grown since the rape

Nothing but FACTS Truthseeker! But Obama will never sound like a black panther. That just isn't his persona nor his role. He is not the agitator or protestor Jackson or Sharpton were and I never found much value in their self-serving personas anyway. He may get more frank but it will be whetted to theory in very

I don't think he is any less woke than most fifty-five year old men in a professional job with a public presence. You are biased against him simply because his family is white and so was his formative years. So you probably don't believe white allies can truly embrace the BLM Movement?

Yes, he often looks for middle ground and it is why he suffers when discussing race. Surely, his identity is tied-up in this as well. However, I would not be surprised if his views post presidency are more liberal and thus embraced more by black america. Race is not the only issue with which he has 'misstepped'. Watch

His place of privilege was not one of color or wealth, so what was it? We have to be careful in assigning him biases from his formative years. It sounds like you are dismissing his experience because you don't identify with it. Trust, color and race are or were major issues in Hawaii. From where I stand his experience

Anyone or most over fifty share the remnants of respectability politics. Unfortunate, but true. Speaking with those under twenty-five is so refreshing. They exhibit a freeness and belongness that I just don't see in my peers.

This maybe incendiary, but I daresay Barack performs blackness on a world stage. Even if he were born of black parents, he did not grow up in America so his experience of blackness is very different than African-Americans. He came to 'American Blackness' as an adult. Though there is no one way to be black, the

You're entirely missing his larger point about the importance of blackness. Consider his last line, "Blackness, when rendered with respect and admiration, packs one hell of a punch."

TNT just started running from its pilot and I am surprised by how good it is. Like The 100, critics and fans alike have dismissed it largely because of its CW roots.

You have to give Gotham another go. I just watched this season's first two shows and they were decent. Though the show's look and sometimes performances continues to outweigh the plotting. If this show were not on Fox, I think it would have had more flexibility to growth, especially on cable or streaming, shoot even


"Coker, a former hip-hop journalist turned Southland scribe, is following in the tradition of David Simon, who demonstrated with The Wire how a journalist’s eye for detail and quest for authenticity can serve a scripted story just as well." YESSSSSSSSSSS!

Seems I enjoyed this episode more than the reviewer. The tale of Becker was more an opportunity to highlight the new team member (Chinese Woman) than it was an adventure to remember. IF this story arc had shown a scene with the postman before the apocalypse we would have cared a bit more…we needed to experience his

It's a shame the writing and quite a few of the characters are failing Kylie Bunbury and the show. The show is trying to serve to masters. It can't decide what story it wants to tell and what point of view to tell it from. IF it gets renewed, it will have to do some thinking about this.