
I feel you. Ever had a serious religious conversation with a Mormon? Or worse, a Scientologist? Ugh...

I hear you. Of course Christians are even more likely to be obnoxious. And there are more of them.

I was also a big fantasy/sci fi nerd and I also loved reading Greek mythology and Bible stories, which I thought of as very similar to each other. I’d go to church from time to time with relatives and one of my Grandmothers was the Principal of a Baptist school but I stopped buying it an early age.

I don’t understand the point of this article. It seems really unnecessary. I don’t know any white people whose reaction to something like this is to say any of of what you mentioned above - “some white people aren’t bad, that most white people are good, that you didn’t own slaves, that some of your best friends are

Yep. Best omelette I’ve had was an egg white omelette

Awful thing of course but maybe, just maybe, Justine being killed ultimately saves some lives down the road (most likely black)...at least in Minnesota anyway

I don’t agree with everything in this article and I feel like it leaves out several issues. I’ve used both many, many times and in general I prefer a retractable.

Ok, he’s a bit of a tool, but Worst Person on Earth? I get you’re not being completely serious, but c’mon.

I agree. I can’t even believe this is a thing. I’m tall but I recline virtually every flight as it’s more comfortable for me. I’ve never even thought to ask the person behind and never will. I’ll also never complain if the person in front of me reclines no matter when he/she does it. Seriously, you lose like a couple