
I agree about PoI, but can you enlighten me as to what they're saying?

"where people with lack of cultural criticism"

"wrong opinions"

I liked that one too.

I like reading this in the voice of GLaDOS.

Isn't promotional material designed for exactly that purpose?

Not even close and what press?

"Its incisive satire deconstructed the post-racial America fantasy"

Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Hodor!

Dark Star: Still Surfin'

This episode was not a D+ unless you're looking for something in a TV comic book adaptation that I simply am not looking for.

It was nowhere near that bad IMHO.

Not you. You said "I cant think of a better way to describe him", so "rabid fanboy" is my suggestion.

Rabid fanboy?

Damn, really damning criticisms of this show here.

I assume any grades are based on comparing an episode to other episodes in a series.

Barry's Dad (Earth 2 version) should have been Zoom.

"but we know better than to trifle with Person Of Interest fans. You’re like Limitless fans except much more intimidating"

"Dagobah, they paved. A parking lot, they put up."

I've stopped watching.