
Fruit is not always good- see Jackfruit for an example, I don’t care how it tastes the stuff smells like roadkill skunk in an ashtray

No seatbelt pre-tensioners? I get skimping on some airbags but pre-tensioners have got to be a pretty cheap add at this point. 

Only after factory-second Takata airbags are installed.

The restroom thing gets brought up a lot to try and even out time spent but unless you’re having some serious stomach problems, it’s not even close. This, along with the “while you wait you can catch up on emails, go shopping, etc.” talking points get a bit silly. The point for a lot of people is to spend less time

...insisting that she never meant for her handgun to fire a bullet.

She was accused of acting like a police officer, so it all fits.

“You don’t get the death penalty for committing a traffic offense.”

Isn’t it funny how others feel the need to question your travel requirements? Is it really any of their business? Like you, I’m not buying an EV until it can get to Detroit from where I am in NoMi on one charge like my ICE vehicles do, and it doesn’t matter how many times I want or need to do it. Not to mention how a

When we switched from giant gas sucking cars to smaller fuel efficient cars back in the 70-80s they were not MORE expensive, larger, and luxurious than the big gas hogs. They were smaller and cheaper. Something similar needs to happen with EVs.

“he just shot himself with my gun.” Uh huh, sure he did, that’s how guns work.

Very much this. Except when cops do it, it’s always under the absolute assumption that letting a suspect get away will necessarily result in grievous injury or death of another person, even if it was a robbery. Cops are somehow morally bound to do high-speed chases through populated cities because if they don’t,

‘I pulled it out and immediately started trying to just continue to push against the door with it — like push it away from him’ she testified. ‘He grabbed my hand with the gun in it.’

her lawyers argued that an altercation ensued between the two and that’s when the handgun went off,

I’m not a death-penalty advocate, nor am I for violent retribution. So, a lifetime rotting in a prison cell is what we have.

This isn’t tragic all around”. It’s tragic only for the family she destroyed. And calling it an “error in judgment” is fucking disgusting. This wasn’t a split-second decision she got wrong. She willingly, by choice, pursued a man she was told not to pursue and killed him while he posed no threat to her whatsoever.

this is the correct response to this article. you absolutely can use hot water on your windshield to help clear ice. you absolutely can not use boiling water to do it.

Living in Oklahoma we don’t the insane cold temps, but some winters it will stay below freezing for weeks. But I’ve always used water to clear my windshields. Never warm, don’t want to risk it, but a gallon or two of cold water will break up the sometimes inch thick layer of ice we so luckily get.

Some British bullshit, pouring tea on your windshield. This is America, get that gun out the glovebox and shoot the snow off. 

What are you talking about? Cars and trucks have been designed for decades so that the engine and transmission move downwards/away from the passenger compartment in a crash. The mass of the engine and transmission actually also helps to absorb some of the crash energy.

Yes, the cars designed by automotive designers and engineers are indeed safe. The Cybertruck which was explicitly designed to do away with engineering and crumple zones not so much.