He did cause harm by looking at kiddie port. Those kids are being harmed. Buy downloading it, purchasing it, or engaging it he actively participated in the harm of that child, and any subsequent children involved to meet the demand.
He did cause harm by looking at kiddie port. Those kids are being harmed. Buy downloading it, purchasing it, or engaging it he actively participated in the harm of that child, and any subsequent children involved to meet the demand.
Only the way animals do: unconsciously and with varying degrees of success that eventually fail when the environment shifts.
Happy people don’t cheat. Happy people don’t lie to their partners or seek out fulfillment of things they won’t communicate to those they supposedly care about. This must be some definition of “happy” that I missed, other than maybe “bullshit smiling plasticine liars pretending to be happy.” Maybe that’s it.
They’re gonna have to take mine from my cold, dead mouth.
Damn. He hit every fucking note: The Wall, The Klan, North Korea, McCain, Hillary, the NFL, the distractions, Puerto Rico, Gun control, drain the swamp, the military, the Deplorables.....everything.
Oh good lord, believe me, I’m not part of the “everything Donald Trump does is 4D chess” guys. He has evolved a rich range of survival strategies, including camouflage, mimicry, playing dead, poison and squirting out clouds of ink.
This is for Colin, ball up a fist
yeah, I’ve learned so much from his shows about food and culture. He seems to try to go into every situation excited to find out new things without judgement or prejudice, which is a tough mindset to maintain after all he’s seen and learned. The standout episodes I remember: Cambodia, Israel/The Gaza Strip and…
Um, there are not nearly as many women in positions of unimpeachable power who could get away with this - especially for more than two decades. A woman has a few flops, there’s blood in the water; a man has a few flops, people root for him to come back strong.
I love Terry Crews. He’s so talented and funny and he is genuinely a sweet, good man. I’m horrified that that happened to him. And heartbroken for him and his wife. That is disgusting. And he so easily could’ve laid that creep out, but he was right: he would’ve been arrested. This scumbag still knew the power…
Being just on the fringes of “the industry” I can tell you this isn’t an exaggeration. I have heard so many accounts, seen it firsthand, known people involved in suing predators, known people whom have left their jobs because of it, and talked to victims of it. It’s the worst kept secret around.
I don’t usually get obsessive about celebrities but I FUCKING LOVE TERRY CREWS. He is a true treasure. I want to punch the fuck out of the stupid little twat that assaulted Terry Crews.
This is a FANTASTIC interview/conversation — more people need to watch this.
Just wow. And you know, with the Harvey firestorm happening right now, I believe it is very powerful that he is relaying his own assault and not only saying the right things about Harvey being disgusting and tweeting his “support” for the women Harvey raped, etc. He’s a good ally and I am happy he didn’t beat that…
This woman is known to be VERY problematic by anyone who studies cheating seriously. Most legitimate psychologists and couples counsellors feel she’s a complete enabler of narcissistic cheaters who gaslight their spouses. She legitimizes abuse.
And, because Terry Crews is such a gift of humor and joy to this planet, I’m posting this happy gif:
ohmygod. Terry Crews is one of my favorite people in entertainment. I hope this will be a wake up call for idiots who say to/of the female victims: “Why would you put yourself in a situation where you could be victimized?” or “Well, she should have been more aware of her surroundings/dress/the vibe she was giving…
Terry Crews is the best.
I think this is emblematic of a lot of the problems male sexual assault victims must face. Without context, seeing one man beating the shit out of another looks pretty damn awful. Unless you actually watched the grope go down yourself, it’ll be hard to understand what the hell is going on. It can be especially bad if…