1llamarampage will write again

He recently gave them the only thing they actually care about, a massive tax cut/ pay day for them and those that pay for them, so I’m guessing it will be a while. They don’t care about a single other thing on earth (including the vaunted economy).

“The dictionary,” by which I mean the huge groups of academics responsible for writing the various different dictionaries, remove words all the time that they consider to be obsolete. The exception is the Oxford English Dictionary, which has a different job than your standard desk reference - while your Merriam

If you want meat with vegetables, sauce, and potatoes, what kind of kid’s menu offers that? Kid’s menus are full of single-item orders that are geared towards people with limited palates - that is, kids.

If you live in most of the world, you don’t eat the whole scallop, though, just the adductor muscle that closes the shell. Some places DO regularly eat the whole scallop, but the little round morsel that most of us eat contains zero eyes.

“The idea is that they are a known entity expected to continue the same agenda, have name recognition, and can play a sympathy card.”

Even if that’s true - IF - what does it fucking mean? The man finished high school. The insinuation is clearly that LeBron James is stupid, particularly about politics, and his opinion should be discounted because he didn’t graduate, when he very much did.

Right? What does “This is what happens when you attempt to leave high school a year early to attempt to join the NBA” even mean? Attempt? Did I hallucinate his 15-year-and-counting career, or did LeBron fucking James, 3 times NBA champion, do more than attempt to join the NBA?

Lidl is a common chain in Europe, and when I lived in Prague 10 years ago, I once chose NOT to rent an apartment based on the fact that the only grocery store within walking distance was a Lidl. I’d be interested but surprised to know that their quality is markedly better given the time and the different location.

I understand that Jez were the most brazen breakers of their own rule when they decided it was funny to start the “Who?” campaign against Rita Ora, but I really miss when people were warned that it’s never the artists who look out-of-touch when commenters decide “I don’t know who that is” is an insightful and biting

I don’t even know that they need to use the word “accused,” multiple former border patrol agents have stated that this is next-thing to SOP, along with destroying food caches. You can listen to this This American Life episode (the relevant part is Act One: Line in the Sand) to hear one discuss this practice as a

I’m glad I moved out of Maryland so that I don’t have to make the choice between Ben Cardin, who I liked very much as my Senator and who has lots of experience and a proven track-record of hard work on important initiatives, and Chelsea Manning, who is both the type of person I’d like to see hold public office AND

While they’re no longer involved with the co-op that was responsible for providing the “free gift” with their art delivery, the post card is of the District of C logo in gold on a black background. D of C is, regardless of what you’re “really” buying, a great way to support Deaf/HoH artists here!

Weed is still illegal on a federal level. When that changes, your experience of being drug tested at work may change.

Hey now, with the quotation marks around “art!” My favorite postcard, which is framed and in my bathroom, comes from one of these exchanges (with one of the Deaf/HOH artists who run these trades around Gallaudet).

When your parents name you Lindy Lou, apparently you have to do a bunch of meth about it to prove to the world you’re not like all the other Whos down in Whoville.

There will always, always, always, be more people willing to participate in fashionable messaging than there will be people willing to participate in more concrete action. But the messaging isn’t useless - it allows the message to spread to as many people as possible, including those who will be willing to act on it.

Every revolution has a commodified/fashionable element - that’s how messaging spreads. The French Revolution, in particular, ran on sartorial signaling, with Marie Antoinette’s favorite stylist making extravagantly expensive silk rosettes in revolutionary colors for the rich to accessorize with, and several people

It makes me sad about all the other people who were struggling and/or failing to get through their days feeling Okay before the miracle of modern drugs. Like, I’m fine now, but there was a time when my anxiety made it impossible for me to move from my bed before I took my antidepressant and antianxiety pill and was

You’re closer than you think. In Norway, they eat a brown “cheese” (in quotes because it’s actually caramelized whey, so not a cheese at all) sliced very thin, on a lot of things, including waffles for breakfast. My Norwegian cousins aren’t actually that into it, but I think it’s delicious.

If journalists still have to put quotation marks around the word “poison” in headlines about the war criminal who drank something in the courtroom and died because of it the other day, because even though he definitely died it’s not yet determined to be definitely poison, surely we can throw a few sneer quotes around